#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Mixer.pm
# Copyright (C) 2005 David J. Goehrig <dgoehrig@cpan.org>
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Please feel free to send questions, suggestions or improvements to:
# David J. Goehrig
# dgoehrig@cpan.org
package SDL::Mixer;
use strict;
use Carp;
use SDL;
$SDL::Mixer::initialized = 0;
sub new {
my $proto = shift;
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
my $self = {};
my %options = @_;
my $frequency = $options{-frequency} || $options{-rate} || SDL::MIX_DEFAULT_FREQUENCY();
my $format = $options{-format} || SDL::MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT();
my $channels = $options{-channels} || SDL::MIX_DEFAULT_CHANNELS();
my $size = $options{-size} || 4096;
unless ( $SDL::Mixer::initialized ) {
SDL::MixOpenAudio($frequency,$format,$channels,$size ) &&
croak SDL::GetError();
$SDL::Mixer::initialized = 1;
} else {
bless $self,$class;
return $self;
my $self = shift;
unless ($SDL::Mixer::initialized) {
sub query_spec () {
my ($status,$freq,$format,$channels) = SDL::MixQuerySpec();
my %hash = ( -status => $status, -frequency => $freq,
-format => $format, -channels => $channels );
return \%hash;
sub reserve_channels ($$) {
my ($self,$channels) = @_;
return SDL::MixReserveChannels($channels);
sub allocate_channels ($$) {
my ($self,$channels) = @_;
return SDL::MixAllocateChannels($channels);
sub group_channel ($$$) {
my ($self,$channel,$group) = @_;
return SDL::MixGroupChannel($channel, $group);
sub group_channels ($$$$) {
my ($self,$from,$to,$group) = @_;
return SDL::MixGroupChannels($from,$to,$group);
sub group_available ($$) {
my ($self,$group) = @_;
return SDL::MixGroupAvailable($group);
sub group_count ($$) {
my ($self,$group) = @_;
return SDL::MixGroupCount($group);
sub group_oldest ($$) {
my ($self,$group) = @_;
return SDL::MixGroupOldest($group);
sub group_newer ($$) {
my ($self,$group) = @_;
return SDL::MixGroupNewer($group);
sub play_channel ($$$$;$) {
my ($self,$channel,$chunk,$loops,$ticks) = @_;
$ticks ||= -1;
return SDL::MixPlayChannelTimed($channel,$$chunk,$loops,$ticks);
sub play_music ($$$) {
my ($self,$music,$loops) = @_;
return SDL::MixPlayMusic($$music,$loops);
sub fade_in_channel ($$$$$;$) {
my ($self,$channel,$chunk,$loops,$ms,$ticks) = @_;
$ticks ||= -1;
return SDL::MixFadeInChannelTimed($channel,$$chunk,$loops,$ms,$ticks);
sub fade_in_music ($$$$) {
my ($self,$music,$loops,$ms) = @_;
return SDL::MixFadeInMusic($$music,$loops,$ms);
sub channel_volume ($$$) {
my ($self,$channel,$volume) = @_;
return SDL::MixVolume($channel,$volume);
sub music_volume ($$) {
my ($self,$volume) = @_;
return SDL::MixVolumeMusic($volume);
sub halt_channel ($$) {
my ($self,$channel) = @_;
return SDL::MixHaltChannel($channel);
sub halt_group ($$) {
my ($self,$group) = @_;
return SDL::MixHaltGroup($group);
sub halt_music (){
return SDL::MixHaltMusic();
sub channel_expire ($$$) {
my ($self,$channel,$ticks) = @_;
return SDL::MixExpireChannel($channel,$ticks);
sub fade_out_channel ($$$) {
my ($self,$channel,$ms) = @_;
return SDL::MixFadeOutChannel($channel,$ms);
sub fade_out_group ($$$) {
my ($self,$group,$ms) = @_;
return SDL::MixFadeOutGroup($group,$ms);
sub fade_out_music ($$) {
my ($self,$ms) = @_;
return SDL::MixFadeOutMusic($ms);
sub fading_music () {
return SDL::MixFadingMusic();
sub fading_channel ($$) {
my ($self,$channel) = @_;
return SDL::MixFadingChannel($channel);
sub pause ($$) {
my ($self,$channel) = @_;
sub resume ($$) {
my ($self,$channel) = @_;
sub paused ($$) {
my ($self,$channel) = @_;
return SDL::MixPaused($channel);
sub pause_music () {
sub resume_music () {
sub rewind_music (){
sub music_paused (){
return SDL::MixPausedMusic();
sub playing ($$) {
my ($self,$channel) = @_;
return SDL::MixPlaying($channel);
sub playing_music () {
return SDL::MixPlayingMusic();
=head1 NAME
SDL::Mixer - a SDL perl extension
$mixer = new SDL::Mixer -frequency => MIX_DEFAULT_FREQUENCY,
-size => 4096;
SDL::Mixer allows you access to the SDL mixer library, enablig sound and
music volume setting, playing, pausing and resuming, as well as fading
the sound and music in and out.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new()
$mixer = SDL::Mixer->new( -frequency => MIX_DEFAULT_FREQUENCY,
-size => 4096);
Creates a new SDL::Mixer object. C<$size> is the buffer size in bytes.
=head2 query_spec()
my $specs = SDL::Mixer::query_spec();
Returns a hash reference, containing the following keys and their respective
=head2 reserve_channels
Reserve so many channels.
=head2 allocate_channels()
Allocate so many channels.
=head2 group_channel(channel,group)
Group the channel number C<$channel> into group C<$group>.
=head2 group_channels(from,to,group)
Groups a range of channels
=head2 group_available(group)
Return true when the group is available.
=head2 group_count(group)
Returns the number of channels in the group
=head2 group_oldest()
=head2 group_newer()
=head2 play_channel()
=head2 play_music()
Play C<$music> C<$loop> times.
=head2 fade_in_channel(channel,chunk,loops,ms,ticks)
Fades a channel in
=head2 fade_in_music(music,loops,ms)
Fades the music in over a number of ms, looping as it does
=head2 channel_volume(channel,volume)
Sets the volume for a single channel
=head2 mucis_volume(volume)
Set the volume for the music.
=head2 halt_channel(channel)
Stops a specific channel
=head2 halt_group(group)
Stops a group of channels
=head2 halt_music()
Stops the music
=head2 channel_expire(channel,ticks)
Ignores the channel after C<ticks> has expired
=head2 fade_out_channel(channel,ms)
Fade the channel number C<$channel> in C<$ms> ms out.
=head2 fade_out_group(group,ms)
Fade the channel group C<$group> in C<$ms> ms out.
=head2 fade_out_music(ms)
Fade the music in C<$ms> ms out.
=head2 fading_music()
Return true when the music is currently fading in or out.
=head2 fading_channel()
Return true when the channel number C<$channel> is currently fading in or out.
=head2 pause( channel )
Pause the channel C<$channel>.
=head2 resume(channel)
Resume the channel C<$channel>.
=head2 paused()
Return true when the channel is currently paused.
=head2 pause_music()
Pause the music play.
=head2 resume_music()
Resume the music play.
=head2 rewind_music()
Resets the music file to the beginning
=head2 music_paused()
Return true when the music is currently paused.
=head2 playing()
Return true when the channel is currently playing.
=head2 playing_music ()
Return true when the music is currently playing.
=head1 AUTHORS
David J. Goehrig, basic doc added by Tels <http://bloodgate.com>.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<perl>, L<SDL::Music> and L<SDL::Sound>.