version: 0.28
date: 28 Jan 2004
Maintainer change
version: 0.27
date: 12 Dec 2003
Added substr_compare substr_count substr substr_replace
Added trim ucfrist ucwords vprintf vsprintf wordwrap
Added strtr
Add strtolower strtoupper crc32
Added tests and docs and changed implementation for str_word_count
Include synopses in function docs
Include build stuff in the dist
Format multiline synopses properly
Improved makepm argument handling.
List AutoInstall featureset for PHP::Strings dev.
Optional modules featureset for PHP::Strings development.
version: 0.26
date: 10 Dec 2003
strip_tags and stripcslashes, with tests, implemented
strstr added
Added strrchr strpos strnatcasecmp strlen strrpos
Added strncasecmp stripslashes strripos strnatcmp
Added strncmp stripos stristr strrev
L<> the URLs
Correct heading level for functions.
Better synopsis formatting
Basic prereq per fn listing
Writing to just Strings.pm now
Uses Module::Install (for ExtUtils::AutoInstall mostly)
Better requirements handling, allowing people to choose.
Read version from pm
version: 0.25
date: 06 Dec 2003
Errors now more informative.
No new function implementations.
Cites assorted websites.
Main .pm file now generated from collection of description files.
version: 0.24
date: 01 Dec 2003
Initial version.