db-browser - Browse SQLite/MySQL/PostgreSQL databases and their tables interactively.


Version 2.248



db-browser -h|--help


db-browser database-name, ...

When the db-browser is called with the argument -h|--help, it shows a menu. The menu entry HELP shows this documentation - see "OPTIONS".

If db-browser is called without arguments, the user can choose from the databases offered by the database plugin.

If db-browser is called with arguments, the arguments are used as the available databases.


db-browser -s|--search

db-browser called with -s|--search causes a new search for SQLite databases instead of using the cached data.


Before using db-browser, make sure you backed up your databases.

Search and read in SQL databases: one can browse databases and their tables interactively.

The database plugins bundled with App::DBBrowser provide support for the DBI drivers DBD::SQLite, DBD::mysql, DBD::MariaDB and DBD::Pg. See App::DBBrowser::DB how to write a database plugin.


  • the Arrow keys (or h,j,k,l) to move up and down and to move to the right and to the left.

  • the PageUp key (or Ctrl-B) to go back one page, the PageDown key (or Ctrl-F) to go forward one page.

  • the Home key (or Ctrl-A) to jump to the beginning of the menu, the End key (or Ctrl-E) to jump to the end of the menu.

With the option mouse enabled it can be used the mouse with the left mouse key to navigate through the menus.

To confirm a chosen menu item use the Return key.

In some sub-menus it is possible to select more then one item before Return is pressed (e.g. the input filters Choose Rows and Choose Cols); in such sub-menus the list of items marked with the SpaceBar are added to the chosen items when Return is pressed. If a mouse mode is enabled, it can be used the right mouse key instead of the SpaceBar. A Ctrl-SpaceBar inverts the made choices - so for example to select all but one select the one with the SpaceBar and then press Ctrl-SpaceBar.


  • BackSpace or Strg-H to delete the character behind the cursor, Delete to delete the character at point.

  • Strg-U to delete the text backward from the cursor to the beginning of the line, Strg-K to delete the text from the cursor to the end of the line.

  • Right-Arrow to move forward a character, Left-Arrow to move back a character.

  • Up-Arrow to move back 10 characters, Down-Arrow to move forward 10 characters.

  • Home or Strg-A to move to the start of the line, End or Strg-E to move to the end of the line.

To leave a read-line without returning anything press Ctrl-X. When the input puffer is empty and an Enter is pressed, read-line returns an empty string.


The elements are right-justified if they look like a number else they are left-justified.

If the option squash_spaces is enabled, leading and trailing spaces are removed from the elements and spaces are squashed to a single white-space.

Tab characters (\t) are replaces with a space.

Vertical spaces (\v) are squashed to two spaces

Control characters, code points of the surrogate ranges and non-characters are removed.

See also the option group "Output".


Plugins Menu

Choosing a plugin leads to the Databases Menu.

(If there is only one plugin, the plugins menu is not shown but the plugin is chosen automatically.)

Databases Menu

Choosing a database leads to the Schemas Menu.

(If there is only one database, the databases menu is not shown but the database is chosen automatically.)

Schemas Menu

Choosing a schema leads to the Tables Menu.

(If there is not more than one schema, the schemas menu is not shown but the schema is chosen automatically.)

Tables Menu

The menu entries of the tables menu:

Prompt Line

Selecting the prompt line (the database name) opens a menu with these entries:

  • Create Table

  • Drop Table

  • Create View

  • Drop View

  • Attach DB

  • Detach DB

For Create Table, Drop Table, Create View and Drop View see "WRITE ACCESS". These entries are available if enabled in "Extensions".

Attache DB is available for SQLite databases. Attach DB can be used to attach databases to the current database. The menu entry Detach DB is available if a SQLite database has attached databases.

By selecting the prompt line of this menu (the database name) one can change the Source type of input data settings.

Tables Entries

Choosing one of the tables leads to the SQL Menu.


Choosing this entry allows one to enter a subquery and use it as a table.

This entry is available if enabled in "Extensions".


Join tables.

This entry is available if enabled in "Extensions".


Combine the result from multiple SELECT statements.

This entry is available if enabled in "Extensions".


See "DB Settings".

This entry is available if enabled in "Extensions".

SQL Menu

In this menu it can be formed the SQL query.

The SQL Menu has the following menu entries:

Prompt Line

Selecting this prompt line (Customize:) opens a menu with these entries:

  • Insert Into

  • Update

  • Delete

See "WRITE ACCESS". These entries are available if enabled in "Extensions".

By selecting the prompt line of this menu (Choose SQL type:) one can change the Source type of input data settings.

Select Print TABLE to show the result of the formed statement on the screen.

The Sub-Statements Entries

To reset a SQL "sub-statement" (e.g WHERE) re-enter into the respective menu and choose -OK-.

See also "Extensions" and "Operators"


Choose the required columns for the SELECT sub-statement.

It is possible to ad many columns at once by marking them with the SpaceBar key. If columns are marked with the SpaceBar, the highlighted column is not added to the chosen when Return is pressed.

If an AGGREGATE function or a GROUP BY columns is selected, the available choices of this sub-statement are the selected aggregate functions and the selected group-by columns.






It is possible to ad many columns at once by marking them with the SpaceBar key. If columns are marked with the SpaceBar, the highlighted column is not added to the chosen when Return is pressed.





Reset the SQL statement.


Create/Drop Table/View

Create/Drop Table/View can be reached by selecting the prompt-line in the "Tables Menu" if the respective option is activated.

Selecting the prompt line of the Create/Drop Table/View sub-menu allows one to set the parse settings described in "Insert Data".

Create Table

If the option Source type of input data is set to menu, selecting Create Table opens a sub-menu where one can choose the type of the data source. If Source type of input data is set to plain, copy&paste or file, the set data source type is used automatically without showing a menu.

For the meaning of the different data source types see "Source type of input data".

After the data has been read the user can apply different input filters (See "Input filters"). When the input filters are confirmed the user is asked

- for the table name
- if the first data row should be used as header
- if an auto increment column should be added (if the option "Auto increment" is enabled)
- to edit the column names
- to edit the column data types
- to confirm the creating of the table

Drop table

Drop a table. The whole table is shown before the user confirms to drop the table.

Create View

Before creating a view: print the required select-statement to make it available in the subquery menu.

Drop View

Drop a view. The whole view is shown before the user confirms to drop the view.

Insert Into/Update/Delete

Insert Into, Update and Delete can be reached by selecting the prompt-line in the "SQL Menu" if the respective option is activated.

Delete, Update or Insert Into may not be available with JOIN and UNION statements.

Selecting the prompt line of the Insert Into/Update/Delete sub-menu allows one to set the parse settings described in "Insert Data".

Insert Into

If the option Source type of input data is set to menu, selecting Insert Into opens a sub-menu where one can choose the type of the data source. If Source type of input data is set to plain, copy&paste or file, the set data source type is used without showing a menu.

For the meaning of the different data source types see "Source type of input data".

After the data has been read the user can apply different input filters (See "Input filters").

If the first column of a table is an auto-increment column, the INSERT INTO statement is build without this first column. This feature is available if supported by the database plugin.


Update records. The affected (and not yet updated) records are shown shown before the user confirms the update.

See also Subqueries in "Extensions"


Delete records. The affected records are shown before the user confirms the deletion.

Data Input

Source type of input data


Insert the data cell by cell.

Copy and Paste

Reads from STDIN until the end of input.

From File

The data is read from a chosen file.

Supported file formats: text files and file formats supported by Spreadsheet::Read.

Selecting From File opens the Source file directory sub-menu where one can choose the directory which should be searched for files.

If "Directory history" is set to 1 and a directory has been saved, this menu is skipped and the directory is chosen automatically.

After a directory has been chosen a sub-menu is opened where one can choose the source file.

Selecting the prompt line of the source file sub-menu allows one to set the parse settings described in "Insert Data". If the previous sub-menu Source file directory is not shown due to the settings described before, additionally to the parse settings it is also possible the change the source file directory in this sub-menu by selecting NEW search.

See also the input filter "Reparse" in Input filters, which allows one to change the parse-settings and then re-read the data.

Input filters

Choose Cols

Use only selected columns of the imported data.

If the data has empty columns (--), the non-empty columns are preselected. Columns are regarded as empty if the values of all fields in the column - including the column header - have no length.

If the selected columns of a previous Choose Cols usage are a subset of the current available columns, this subset of columns is preselected. A RESET removes this preselection.

Columns added with the filter Append Col are empty and therefore not preselected.

If a column is not empty, but has no header name the header is named temporarily tmp.

Choose Rows

Use only selected rows of the imported data.

If the data has empty rows, the non-empty rows are preselected. Rows are regarded as empty if the values of all fields in the row have no length.

Range Rows

Use only a range of rows.

Row Groups

If the input has rows with different numbers of columns, Row Groups sorts rows with the same number of columns in a group. The user can then choose one or more groups of rows. There is only one group, if all rows have the same column count.

Remove Cell

Remove a cell from a chosen row.

Insert Cell

Insert a cell in a chosen row. The new cell is inserted in front of a chosen cell.

Append Col

Append an empty column. Appends a header element to the header row and adjusts the remaining rows to the length of the header row. If the input has rows with different numbers of cells, use the Row Group filter first to select the right row-group.

Split Column
 Item | length/width/height             Item | length | width | height
------|---------------------            -----|--------|-------|------
  423 |            40/30/25              423 |     40 |    30 |    25
------|---------------------              64 |     80 |    60 |    30
   64 |            80/60/30              705 |     50 |    50 |    40
  705 |            50/50/40
Search & Replace
 y  | factor                            y  | factor
----|---------                          ---|-------
 62 | 8,975.1                           62 | 8975.1
----|---------                          63 | 9745.8
 63 | 9,745.8                           64 | 9818.2
 64 | 9,818.2

In the replacement it can be used the variable $c as a counter. $c is set to 0 before each s///.

Available modifiers: g, i, e.

By selecting the prompt line (Choose:) one can save search & replace instructions for later use.

If a search & replace has altered the first row of the input data, a menu entry named RESTORE header row is offered.

Split Table
 y  | factor  | y  | factor             y  | factor
----|---------|----|---------           ---|--------
 62 | 8,975.1 | 64 | 9,986.5            62 | 8,975.1
----|---------|----|---------           63 | 9,745.8
 63 | 9,745.8 | 65 | 9,782.7            y  | factor
                                        64 | 9,818.2
                                        65 | 9,986.5
Merge Rows
 Month | Average | Average              Month | Average MinTemp | Average MaxTemp
-------|---------|---------             ------|-----------------|----------------
       | MinTemp | MaxTemp              Jan   |               9 |              22
-------|---------|---------             Feb   |              10 |              23
 Jan   |       9 |      22
 Feb   |      10 |      23

Merge Rows can be used to edit a row by selecting only one row.

Join Columns
 Item | length | width | height          Item | length/width/height
------|--------|-------|--------         -----|-------------------
  423 |     40 |    30 |     25           423 | 40/30/25
------|--------|-------|--------           64 | 80/60/30
   64 |     80 |    60 |     30           705 | 50/50/40
  705 |     50 |    50 |     40

Join Columns can be used to edit a column by selecting only one column.

Fill up Rows

If the input table rows have different numbers of cells, this filter appends empty cells to the rows until the cell count of the rows are equal to the cell count of the row with highest cell count.

One can enter in the Row Group filter to see if the table has rows with different length. If Row Group shows only one group, all rows have the same length.

Cols to Rows

Transpose columns to rows.

 Year | 2000 | 2001 | 2002              Year | Max | Min
------|------|------|------             -----|-----|----
 Max  |   14 |   22 |   17              2000 |  14 |  11
------|------|------|------             2001 |  22 |  10
 Min  |   11 |   10 |    9              2002 |  17 |   9
Empty to NULL

Convert fields containing an empty string to NULL (undefined).

The default values for this filter can be set with the option "Empty to Null".


Reset the filters to the default values.


Change the parse settings and reparse the data with the new settings.


The options menu is called with db-browser -h.


Show this documentation.


Shows the version and the path of the running db-browser and the path of the application directory.

DB Options

DB Plugins

Choose the required database plugins.

DB Settings

These driver specific DB Settings are used as the default database settings.

There is also in each "Tables Menu" the entry Settings (if enabled in "Extensions") to make database specific settings. If no database specific settings are set, these global (to the database plugin) DB Settings are used.

User defined database plugins: it depends on the plugin which items are offered to be set in each option and whether the selections made by the user are considered.


Set which fields are required to connect to a database.

Login Data

The entered login data is saved in a configuration file and used to connect to the database (the password can not be saved).

ENV Variables

The user can choose environment variables form a list of environment variables that should be used - if set - to connect to the database.


For the meaning of these driver specific attributes check the appropriate driver documentation.

Reset DB

Reset database specific parameter to the global DB Settings.


Set the behavior of the interactive menus.

If enabled: saves the menu position while entering in a sub menu.

Keep header

Show the table header on top of each page.

Expand table

Expand table rows:


if Return is pressed, the selected table row is printed with each column in its own line.


don't expand table rows.

YES fast back

do not expand the first row if the cursor auto-jumped to the first row.

Expand info table

Before records are deleted/updated and before a table or a view is dropped the affected records are shown in an info-table.

Expand info tables rows:


if Return is pressed, the selected table row is printed with each column in its own line.


don't expand table rows.

YES fast back

do not expand the first row if the cursor auto-jumped to the first row.

Mouse mode

Set the Mouse mode (see "mouse" in Term::Choose).


Add menu entries to menus:

Tables menu

  • Derived (table)

  • Join

  • Union

  • DB settings

Join menu

  • Derived (table)

Union menu

  • Derived (table)

  • Union All


Substatement additions for:


None, Func, SQ, Func/SQ


None, Func, SQ, Func/SQ


None, Func, SQ, Func/SQ


None, Func, SQ, Func/SQ


None, Func, SQ, Func/SQ


None, Func, SQ, =N, Func/SQ/=N

If set to None, no menu extensions are available.

If set to Func, f() is shown as additionally menu entry. Selecting f() opens the "Functions" menu.

If set to SQ, SQ is shown as additionally menu entry. Selecting SQ opens the "Subqueries" menu.

If set to =N, =N is shown as additionally menu entry (available after the SET in an UPDATE statement). Selecting =N sets the column to NULL.

If set to Func/SQ (or Func/SQ/=N), %% is shown as additionally menu entry. Selecting %% lets one choose between all available extensions.

If these menu entries are prefixed with =, it is required to select the wanted operator after the extended menu entry has been chosen.


  • Bit_Length

  • Char_Length

  • Concatenate

  • Epoch_to_Date

  • Epoch_to_DateTime

  • Replace

  • Round

  • Truncate


Selecting a subquery menu entry (or a Derived menu entry) opens a subquery sub-menu which allows one the enter a subquery (Read-Line).

If stored or temporarily stored subqueries are available, it is also possible to select one of those subqueries instead of entering a subquery.

The subqueries are automatically enclosed in parentheses if the subqueries do not contain any parentheses.

A subquery can be saved or removed in the sub-menu which opens by selecting the prompt line of a subquery menu (Choose SQ:).

The last subqueries entered in the subquery menu and the last statements printed with Print TABLE are stored temporarily.


Enable parentheses in WHERE and/or HAVING clauses.

Write access

Enable write access - use with care.

  • Insert Records

  • Update Records

  • Delete Records

  • Create Table

  • Drop Table

  • Create View

  • Drop View



If Metadata is enabled, system tables/schemas/databases are appended to the respective list.


Choose the required operators.

There are two regexp entries: REGEXP matches case sensitive while REGEXP_i matches case insensitive.

With MySQL the sensitive match is achieved by enabling the BINARY operator.


If enabled, it is asked for an alias. If entered nothing, no alias is added except for joined tables and unions and for derived tables which get then a default alias.

  • Aggregate

  • Derived tables

  • Functions in the SELECT sub-statement.

  • Join

  • Subqueries in the SELECT sub-statement.

  • Union


Qualified table names

If set to YES, qualified table names are used in SQL statements.

Quote identifiers

If set to YES, SQL identifiers are quoted.


- databases in SQL statements (ATTACH DATABASE) are always quoted.

- if the current database has attached databases, the use of qualified table names is enabled automatically.

View prefix

Enter a string which should be automatically put in front of all view names.

Auto increment

Setting Auto increment to a value which is not the empty string enables the option to set an auto increment column when creating a table. The value set here is then used as the default name for the auto increment column.

Col data types

If this option is enabled and a table is created, SQL::Type::Guess is used to detect the data types. These data types are then used as default values when the user is asked for the data types.

Max Rows

Sets LIMIT automatically to Max Rows. This can be overwritten by setting a SQL LIMIT statement manually. Fetched table rows are kept in memory.

To disable the automatic limit set Auto Limit to 0.


Col width

Columns with a width below or equal Colwidth are only trimmed if it is still required to lower the row width despite all columns wider than Colwidth have been trimmed to Colwidth.

Progress bar

Set the progress bar threshold. If the number of fields (rows x columns) is higher than the threshold, a progress bar is shown while preparing the data for the output.

Tab width

Set the number of spaces between columns.


Separate the columns from each other and the header from the body with lines.


Enables the support for color and text formatting escape sequences (SGR) if set to Enable. Before the output it is added a reset (\e[0m) at the end of each row.

Binary binary

Setting the binary_filter to 1 means: print "BNRY" instead of arbitrary binary data. If data matches the repexp /[\x00-\x08\x0B-\x0C\x0E-\x1F]/, it is considered arbitrary binary data. Printing arbitrary binary data could break the output.

Squash spaces

If squash_spaces is enabled, consecutive spaces are squashed to one space and leading and trailing spaces are removed.

Show table name

If enabled, the table name is displayed in the lower left corner of the terminal behind the page number.


Set the indentation width for the info output.

Truncated rows

How should truncated data source rows be marked at the end: ..., | or none.

Set string


Set the string that will be shown on the screen instead of an undefined field.

On MSWin32 only single-byte character sets are supported when entering the setting Undef, user, host or port with the db-browsers readline. But it is possible to edit the entry in configuration files directly after the entry was created with this options menu.

Decimal separator

Set the decimal separator. Numbers with a decimal separator are formatted as number if this option is set to the right value.

Allowed values: a character with a print width of 1. If an invalid value is passed, decimal_separator falls back to the default value (dot).


Enable/disable File::Find warnings when searching for SQLite databases.

Insert Data

Parse tool for 'file'

Set how to parse text files. Files where -T $filename returns true are considered text files.

If a file is not a text file, then it is always used Spreadsheet::Read to parse the file regardless of this setting.

  • Text::CSV

    To decode the files it is used the "File encoding".


    • Allows to set different csv-related options.

  • split

    Reads to whole input at once and splits the input with the input record separator (IRS) to get the records (rows). Then it splits the records with the input field separator (IFS) to get the fields (columns) of each record.

    To decode the files it is used the "File encoding".


    • The values assigned to the IRS and the IFS are treated as regexps.

  • Template

    Uses unpack with the A character to break up input lines.

    unpack used with A strips trailing whitespace. For leading whitespace to user has the option to remove it or not. Any remaining column separators can be removed with the Search & Replace filter.

    If the row length is greater than the screen width, make notes of the number of columns and the length of each column before using Template.


    • Good for input with fixed-columns-length.

  • Spreadsheet::Read

    If Spreadsheet::Read is chosen, the default settings from Spreadsheet::Read are used.

    Spreadsheet::Read will use the first line of the file to auto-detect the separation character if the file is a csv-file.

    Spreadsheet::Read::rows fills up uneven rows automatically so the filter "Fill up Rows" and "Row Groups" have no meaning if Spreadsheet::Read is used.


    • Auto-detects the separation character for csv-files

Parse tool for 'copy & paste'

Set how to parse the "multi row" input.

Same options as in Parse file.

csv settings-a

Set the Text::CSV options

  • sep_char

  • quote_char

  • escape_char

  • eol

csv settings-b

Set Text::CSV options not mentioned in csv settings-a:

For the meaning of the different options see Text::CSV.

'split' settings

  • Record separator

    Set the input record separator (regexp).

  • Trim record left

    Expects a regex pattern. If set, removes leading characters matching regexp from each record.

  • Trim record right

    Expects a regex pattern. If set, removes trailing characters matching regexp from each record.

  • Field separator

    Set the input field separator (regexp).

  • Trim field left

    Expects a regex pattern. If set, removes leading characters matching regexp from each field.

  • Trim field right

    Expects a regex pattern. If set, removes trailing characters matching regexp from each field.

Empty to Null

Set the empty_to_null defaults for the different data source types.

File encoding

How to decode text files.

Source type of input data

Set the data source type to plain, copy&paste, file or menu for Insert Into and for Create Table.

If this option is set to menu, a menu is offered where the user can choose the type of the data source.

Directory history

Set how many searched directories should be saved in the directory history.

A value of 0 disables the history.

If Directory history is set to 1 and a directory has been saved, the directory is chosen automatically without showing the history menu.

File filter

This option expects as its value a string. The string is used as a glob pattern.

If file is selected as the data source type, only files matching this glob pattern are part of the available files.

Show hidden files

If file is selected as the data source type, this setting determines if hidden files are part of the available files or not.


To find out the location of the configuration files call db-browser -h and choose Path. The data is saved in JSON format.


Perl version

Requires Perl version 5.10.1 or greater.

Decoded strings

db-browser expects decoded strings.

Non mappable characters will break the output.


It is required a terminal that uses a monospaced font which supports the printed characters.

The terminal has to understand ANSI escape sequences. If the OS is MSWin32 App::DBBrowser uses Win32::Console::ANSI which emulates an ANSI console for the db-browser.


To be able to browse the database-, schema- and table-lists and the content of tables the user must have the database privileges required for fetching the requested data.

The db-browser expects an existing home directory with read and write permissions for the user of the db-browser.


Thanks to the and the people form stackoverflow for the help.


Matthäus Kiem <>


Copyright 2012-2020 Matthäus Kiem.


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl 5.10.0. For details, see the full text of the licenses in the file LICENSE.