Term::Choose::Util - TUI-related functions for selecting directories, files, numbers and subsets of lists.


Version 0.109


Functional interface:

use Term::Choose::Util qw( choose_a_directory );

my $chosen_directory = choose_a_directory();

Object-oriented interface:

use Term::Choose::Util;

my $ob = Term::Choose->new ();

my $chosen_directory = $ob->choose_a_directory();



This module provides TUI-related functions for selecting directories, files, numbers and subsets of lists.


Nothing by default.


Values in brackets are default values.

Options are passed as a hash reference. The options argument is the last (or the only) argument.

Options available for all subroutines

  • clear_screen

    If enabled, the screen is cleared before the output.

    Values: [0],1,2.

  • color

    Setting color to 1 enables the support for color and text formatting escape sequences except for the current selected element. If set to 2, also for the current selected element the color support is enabled (inverted colors).

    Values: [0],1,2.

  • hide_cursor

    Hide the cursor

    Values: 0,[1].

  • info

    A string placed on top of of the output.

    Default: undef

  • mouse

    Enable the mouse mode. An item can be chosen with the left mouse key, the right mouse key can be used instead of the SpaceBar key.

    Values: [0],1.

  • cs_label

    The value of cs_label (current selection label) is a string which is placed in front of the current selection.

    With settings_menu the current selection is only shown if cs_label is defined.

    Defaults: choose_directories: 'Dirs: ', choose_a_directory: 'Dir: ', choose_a_file: 'File: ', choose_a_number: ' >', choose_a_subset: '', settings_menu: undef

    The current selection output is placed between the info string and the prompt string.

  • prompt

    A string placed on top of the available choices.

    Default: undef

  • back

    Customize the string of the menu entry "back".

    Default: BACK

  • confirm

    Customize the string of the menu entry "confirm".

    Default: CONFIRM.


$ob = Term::Choose::Util->new( { mouse => 1, ... } );

Returns a new Term::Choose::Util object.

Options: all


$chosen_directory = choose_a_directory( { layout => 1, ... } )

With choose_a_directory the user can browse through the directory tree and choose a directory which is then returned.

To move around in the directory tree:

- select a directory and press Return to enter in the selected directory.

- choose the "parent_dir" menu entry to move upwards.

To return the current working-directory as the chosen directory choose the "confirm" menu entry.

The "back" menu entry causes choose_a_directory to return nothing.


  • alignment

    Elements in columns are aligned to the left if set to 0, aligned to the right if set to 1 and centered if set to 2.

    Values: [0],1,2.

  • decoded

    If enabled, the directory name is returned decoded with locale_fs form Encode::Locale.

    Values: 0,[1].

  • enchanted

    If set to 1, the default cursor position is on the "parent_dir" menu entry. If the directory name remains the same after an user input, the default cursor position changes to "back".

    If set to 0, the default cursor position is on the "back" menu entry.

    Values: 0,[1].

  • init_dir

    Set the starting point directory. Defaults to the home directory.

    If the option decoded is enabled (default), init_dir expects the directory path as a decoded string.

  • layout

    See the option layout in Term::Choose

    Values: 0,[1],2,3.

  • order

    If set to 1, the items are ordered vertically else they are ordered horizontally.

    This option has no meaning if layout is set to 3.

    Values: 0,[1].

  • show_hidden

    If enabled, hidden directories are added to the available directories.

    Values: 0,[1].

  • parent_dir

    Customize the string of the menu entry "parent_dir".

    Default: ..


$chosen_file = choose_a_file( { show_hidden => 0, ... } )

Browse the directory tree the same way as described for choose_a_directory. Select the "show_files" menu entry to get the files of the current directory. To return the chosen file select the "confirm" menu entry.

Options as in "choose_a_directory" plus

  • filter

    If set, the value of this option is used as a glob pattern. Only files matching this pattern will be displayed.

  • show_files

    Customize the string of the menu entry "show_files".

    Default: Show-FILES


$chosen_directories = choose_directories( { mouse => 1, ... } )

choose_directories is similar to choose_a_directory but it is possible to return multiple directories.

Use the "add_dirs" menu entry to add the current directory to the list of chosen directories.

To return the list of chosen directories (as an array reference) select the "confirm" menu entry.

The "back" menu entry removes the last added directory. If the list of chosen directories is empty, "back" causes choose_directories to return nothing.

Options as in "choose_a_directory" plus

  • add_dirs

    Customize the string of the menu entry "add_dirs".

    Default: Add-DIR


$new = choose_a_number( 5, { cs_label => 'Number: ', ... }  );

This function lets you choose/compose a number (unsigned integer) which is returned.

The fist argument is an integer and determines the range of the available numbers. For example setting the first argument to 4 would offer a range from 0 to 9999.


  • small_first

    Put the small number ranges on top.

  • thousands_separator

    Sets the thousands separator.

    Default: ,


$subset = choose_a_subset( \@available_items, { cs_label => 'new> ', ... } )

choose_a_subset lets you choose a subset from a list.

The first argument is a reference to an array which provides the available list.


  • alignment

    Elements in columns are aligned to the left if set to 0, aligned to the right if set to 1 and centered if set to 2.

    Values: [0],1,2.

  • index

    If true, the index positions in the available list of the made choices are returned.

    Values: [0],1.

  • keep_chosen

    If enabled, the chosen items are not removed from the available choices.

    Values: [0],1;

  • layout

    See the option layout in Term::Choose.

    Values: 0,1,2,[3].

  • mark

    Expects as its value a reference to an array with indexes. Elements corresponding to these indexes are pre-selected when choose_a_subset is called.

  • order

    If set to 1, the items are ordered vertically else they are ordered horizontally.

    This option has no meaning if layout is set to 3.

    Values: 0,[1].

  • prefix

    prefix expects as its value a string. This string is put in front of the elements of the available list in the menu. The chosen elements are returned without this prefix.

    Default: empty string.

  • cs_begin

    Current selection: the cs_begin string is placed between the cs_label string and the chosen elements as soon as an element has been chosen.

    Default: empty string

  • cs_separator

    Current selection: the cs_separator is placed between the chosen list elements.

    Default: ,

  • cs_end

    Current selection: as soon as elements have been chosen the cs_end string is placed at the end of the chosen elements.

    Default: empty string

To return the chosen subset (as an array reference) select the "confirm" menu entry.

The "back" menu entry removes the last added chosen items. If the list of chosen items is empty, "back" causes choose_a_subset to return nothing.


$menu = [
    [ 'enable_logging', "- Enable logging", [ 'NO', 'YES' ]   ],
    [ 'case_sensitive', "- Case sensitive", [ 'NO', 'YES' ]   ],
    [ 'attempts',       "- Attempts"      , [ '1', '2', '3' ] ]

$config = {
    'enable_logging' => 1,
    'case_sensitive' => 1,
    'attempts'       => 2

settings_menu( $menu, $config );

The first argument is a reference to an array of arrays. These arrays have three elements:

  • the unique name of the option

  • the prompt string

  • an array reference with the available values of the option.

The second argument is a hash reference:

  • the keys are the option names

  • the values (0 if not defined) are the indexes of the current value of the respective key/option.

When settings_menu is called, it displays for each array entry a row with the prompt string and the current value. It is possible to scroll through the rows. If a row is selected, the set and displayed value changes to the next. After scrolling through the list once the cursor jumps back to the top row.

If the "back" menu entry is chosen, settings_menu does not apply the made changes and returns nothing. If the "confirm" menu entry is chosen, settings_menu applies the made changes in place to the passed configuration hash-reference (second argument) and returns the number of made changes.

Setting the option cs_label to a defined value adds an info output line.



  • choose_a_dir

    The function choose_a_dir is deprecated. Use choose_a_directory instead.

  • choose_dirs

    The function choose_dirs is deprecated. Use choose_directories instead.


  • justify

    The option justify is deprecated. Use alignment instead.

  • dir

    The option dir is deprecated. Use init_dir instead.

  • up

    The option up is deprecated. Use parent_dir instead.

  • name

    The option name is deprecated. Use cs_label instead.

  • current_selection_label

    The option current_selection_label is deprecated. Use cs_label instead.

  • thsd_sep

    The option thsd_sep is deprecated. Use thousands_separator instead.

  • sofar_begin

    The option sofar_begin is deprecated. Use cs_begin instead.

  • current_selection_begin

    The option current_selection_begin is deprecated. Use cs_begin instead.

  • sofar_separator

    The option sofar_separator is deprecated. Use cs_separator instead.

  • current_selection_separator

    The option current_selection_separator is deprecated. Use cs_separator instead.

  • sofar_end

    The option sofar_end is deprecated. Use cs_end instead.

  • current_selection_end

    The option current_selection_end is deprecated. Use cs_end instead.

  • add_dir

    The option add_dir is deprecated. Use add_dirs instead.

Deprecated functions and options will be removed.


Perl version

Requires Perl version 5.8.3 or greater.

Encoding layer

Ensure the encoding layer for STDOUT, STDERR and STDIN are set to the correct value.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Term::Choose::Util


Matthäus Kiem <>


Thanks to the and the people form stackoverflow for the help.


Copyright 2014-2019 Matthäus Kiem.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl 5.10.0. For details, see the full text of the licenses in the file LICENSE.