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Finance::Bank::NetBranch - Manage your NetBranch accounts with Perl
use Finance::Bank::NetBranch;
my $nb = Finance::Bank::NetBranch->new(
url => 'https://nbp1.cunetbranch.com/valley/',
account => '12345',
password => 'abcdef',
my @accounts = $nb->accounts;
foreach (@accounts) {
printf "%20s : %8s : USD %9.2f of %9.2f\n",
$_->name, $_->account_no, $_->available, $_->balance;
my $days = 20;
for ($_->transactions(from => time - (86400 * $days), to => time)) {
printf "%10s | %20s | %80s : %9.2f, %9.2f\n",
$_->date->ymd, $_->type, $_->description, $_->amount, $_->balance;
This module provides a rudimentary interface to NetBranch online banking. This module was originally implemented to interface with Valley Communities Credit Union's page at https://nbp1.cunetbranch.com/valley/
, but the behavior of the module is theoretically generalized to "NetBranch" type online access. However, I do not have access to another NetBranch account with another bank, and so any feedback on the actual behavior of this module would be greatly appreciated.
You will need either Crypt::SSLeay
or IO::Socket::SSL
installed for HTTPS support to work.
- new
Creates a new
object; does not connect to the server.
- accounts
Retrieves cached accounts information, connecting to the server if necessary.
- _login
Logs into the NetBranch site (internal use only)
- _logout
Logs out of the NetBranch site (internal use only)
- _get_balances
Gets account balance information (internal use only)
- _get_transactions
Gets transaction information, given start and end dates (internal use only)
- name
- sort_code
- account_no
Return the account name, sort code or account number. The sort code is just the name in this case, but it has been included for consistency with other Finance::Bank::* modules.
- balance
- available
Return the account balance or available amount as a signed floating point value.
- transactions(from => $start_date, to => $end_date)
objects for the specified account object between two dates (unix timestamps or DateTime objects).
- date
- type
- description
- amount
- balance
Return appropriate data from this transaction.
This warning is verbatim from Simon Cozens' Finance::Bank::LloydsTSB
, and certainly applies to this module as well.
This is code for online banking, and that means your money, and that means BE CAREFUL. You are encouraged, nay, expected, to audit the source of this module yourself to reassure yourself that I am not doing anything untoward with your banking data. This software is useful to me, but is provided under NO GUARANTEE, explicit or implied.
Probably, but moreso lack of such incredibly dangerous features as transfers, scheduled transfers, etc., coming in a future release. Maybe.
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-finance-bank-netbranch at rt.cpan.org
, or through the web interface at http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=Finance-Bank-NetBranch. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Finance::Bank::NetBranch
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Mark V. Grimes for Finance::Card::Citibank
. The pod was taken from Mark's module.
Darren M. Kulp <darren@kulp.ch>
Copyright (C) 2006 by Darren Kulp
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.7 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.