Log::Sigil - show warnings with sigil prefix
use Log::Sigil;
my $log = Log::Sigil->new;
$log->quiet( 1 ) if ! DEBUG;
$log->warn( "hi there." ); # -> ### hi there.
$log->warn( "a prefix will be changeed." ); # -> --- a prefix will be changed.
package Foo;
sub new { $log->bias( 1 ); bless { }, shift }
sub warn { $log->warn( @_ ) }
package main;
Foo->new->warn( "foo" );
Log::Sigil is a message formatter. Formatting adds a few prefix, and prefi is a sigil. This module just add a few prefix to argument of message, but prefix siginals where are you from. Changing sigil by "caller" has most/only things to this module exists.
*Note: this can [not] add a suffix of filename and line in the file when called from [no] sub. This depends on 'caller' function.
- say
Likes say message with sigil prefix.
- sayf
Likes say, but first argument will be format of the sprintf.
- wran
Likes say, but file handle is specified STDERR.
- warnf
Likes warn, but first argument will be format of the sprintf.
- dump
Likes warn, but args are changed by Data::Dumper::Dumper.
- sigils
Is a array-ref which sorted by using order sigil.
- repeats
Specifies how many sigil is repeated.
- delimiter
Will be placed between sigil and log message.
- bias
Controls changing of sigil. bias for the depth of caller.
- quiet
Tells Log::Sigil to no output required.
Please remove Log::Sigil from code in production. Set true this when you felt Log::Sigil is riot.
kuniyoshi kouji <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.