Changes for version 0.05
- Made lots of improvements to the NaiveBayes categorizer. It was
- so bad as to be essentially useless before. Now it is scoring better in F1, accuracy, and running time than the kNN categorizer on my standard test corpus. This improvement came from studying Tom Mitchell's excellent book "Machine Learning".
- 01-NaiveBayes: F1=0.195 accuracy=0.981 time= 99 sec 02-kNN: F1=0.169 accuracy=0.889 time=1199 sec
- Increased the efficiency of the category map. Added boolean
- is_in_category() and contains_document() methods.
- Fixed a bug in the AI::Categorize::Evaluate class in which
- default arguments weren't being passed properly to the created classes.
- Cleaned up the formatting of the AI::Categorize::Evaluate output,
- and added the accuracy score.
- Fixed a small problem in kNN in which it was using k-1 similar
- documents instead of k.
- Added an accuracy() and error() method to AI::Categorize.
- Calculates the accuracy/error over all binary category membership decisions. Has the same interface as the previous F1() method.
- Fixed the F1() method to return 1 (perfect score) when you
- correctly assign zero categories.
- Added a cat_map() method to AI::Categorize class, which returns
- the AI::Categorize::Map object so you can query this information.
Automatically categorize documents based on content
Automate and compare AI::Categorize modules
Naive Bayes Algorithm For AI::Categorize
Base class for other algorithms
k-Nearest-Neighbor Algorithm For AI::Categorize