Apache::RegistryFilter - run Perl scripts in an Apache::Filter chain
#in httpd.conf
PerlModule Apache::RegistryFilter
# Run the output of scripts through Apache::SSI
<Files ~ "\.pl$">
PerlSetVar Filter on
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::RegistryFilter Apache::SSI
# Generate some Perl code using templates, then execute it
<Files ~ "\.tmpl$">
PerlSetVar Filter on
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler YourModule::GenCode Apache::RegistryFilter
This module is a subclass of Apache::RegistryNG, and contains all of its functionality. The only difference between the two is that this module can be used in conjunction with the Apache::Filter module, whereas Apache::RegistryNG cannot.
It only takes a tiny little bit of code to make the filtering stuff work, so perhaps it would be more appropriate for the code to be integrated right into Apache::RegistryNG.
For information on how to set up filters, please see the codumentation for Apache::Filter.
This is a subclass of Apache::RegistryNG, not Apache::Registry (which is not easily subclassible). Apache::RegistryNG is supposed to be functionally equivalent to Apache::Registry, but it's a little less well-tested.
perl(1), mod_perl(3), Apache::Filter(3)
Ken Williams <>