Changes for version 2.06 - 1999-02-03

  • The boolean expressions of the <!--#if--> and <!--#elsif--> directives are now handled with a Perl eval(). This allows proper parsing of expressions like "!($var)", and even lets you use pre-loaded Perl subroutines in those expressions. The specific mechanism I'm using to fill in the variables is quite voodooey, I'd appreciate some feedback on how it's working.
  • Sometime in the last few versions I introduced a new "Use of uninitialized value at blib/lib/Apache/ line 85" warning, but I can't for the life of me figure out what's uninitialized. Anyone? That line is: if ($ssi =~ m/^<!--#(.*)-->$/s) { Through my testing, I know $ssi is defined, and that's definitely the line it's complaining about.
  • The arg, args, & pass_request parameters to <!--#perl ...--> are now processed case-insensitively.
  • <!--#perl sub="Named::Subroutine"--> had been broken, probably from day one. Now it's fixed.


Implement Server Side Includes in Perl