NAME - Taco templates
use Taco::Template;
$template = new Taco::Template( 'Howdy, [[$name]]!' );
$string = $template->interpret;
$string2 = &Taco::Template::interpret( 'And hello, [[$name2]]!' );
# ... etc.
This module is a class implementing fill-in templates for Taco. It provides support for streaming the output of a filled-in template. The specific syntaxes of the tags are not defined in this class, so it is extensible and flexible.
Functions and Methods
new Taco::Template($text);
Creates a new Template object whose content is the given text.
find Taco::Template('name')
Searches $G::params for an entry called 'name_text' or 'name_template'. Returns a template whose content is the value of 'name_text', or whose content is the contents of the file referred to by 'name_template'. If neither is found, returns the undefined value.
May be called with an optional second argument, which is a reference to a scalar variable. This scalar will be set to the string 'text' if the 'name_text' parameter is found, or 'template' if the 'name_template' parameter is found, or the undefined value if neither is found:
my $template = find Taco::Template('name', \$kind); if ($kind eq 'text') ...
Note that if no suitable parameter is found in $G::params, no error will be printed to STDERR. This allows you the flexibility to write code like this:
# Template is required: my $template = find Taco::Template('display') or die ("Couldn't find 'display_template' or 'display_text'"); # Template is optional: my $template = find Taco::Template('wrapping'); if ($template) { # ... do something with $template ... }
Returns the content of the template object.
$template->set_text('text blah [[$blah]]')
Sets the content of the template to the given text.
Puts the contents of the file 'filename' into the template's content. If the filename has a leading slash, it is treated as an absolute filename. If it does not,
will search the directories in the template's path for the given file.See also
.$template->set_path('dir1', 'dir2', ...);
Sets the path for the
method. If called as an object method, will set the path for just the given template. If called as a static class method, will set the default path for all templates:Taco::Template->set_path('/etc/templates'); # sets default path $my_templ->set_path('/etc/templates'); # only sets path for $my_templ
$template->set_property( name => 'property')
The user of a template may wish to set some attribute of a template, and later retrieve that attribute. These methods let you do so. This is useful to achieve small extensions to the functionality of the templates without having to derive a new class.
&Taco::Template::output($text, $buffer)
Interprets and outputs the contents of the template. Checks a flag to see whether printing is okay, or whether output should be added to the end of the buffer. Typically, output will be buffered in nested tags:
____________ outer.tmpl: ________________________________ [[ &list( key=[[&parse(parse_template=inner.tmpl)]] ) ]] ____________ inner.tmpl: ________________________________ this is the key's value _________________________________________________________
is called inside&list
, it must not print its output, it must return it. The Template class keeps track of when it's okay to print, and when a routine must return its output instead. In this way, output can be streamed as much as possible.If the first argument to
is a reference, then this argument will be treated as a template object. Otherwise, it will be treated as a string.Here is a simple example of a routine that uses
:sub do_something { my $template = find Taco::Template('stuff') or die ("Can't find my stuff"); my $buffer; &Taco::Template::output('<ol start=[[$num]]>', $buffer); # Instead of: print &Taco::Template::interpret('<ol start=[[$num]]>'); $template->output($buffer); # Will append text to $buffer if necessary &Taco::Template::straight_output('</ol>', $buffer); return $buffer; }
&Taco::Template::straight_output($text, $buffer)
Identical to
, except the text will not be interpreted as a template, it will be output directly (or appended to $buffer). This is useful for outputting chunks of text quickly when you know there are no tags in it:&Taco::Template::straight_output("</ol>\n", $buffer);
&Taco::Template::interpret( $text )
Returns the parsed contents of the template or text. Will not print anything (assuming the functions called in the template are well-behaved and use
and the like).
Controlling template syntax and execution
&Taco::Template::set_chunker( char, \&routine );
Sets the chunker for the given character. The chunker will be called when building the syntax tree for a template. A chunker routine takes two arguments: the character (such as $ or &) of the type of template call, and the text of the template call, with leading and trailing delimiters and whitespace removed. For instance, with the following in a template:
[[ &burp(because=have_gas) ]]
The chunker will receive '&' as its first argument, and 'burp(because=have_gas)' as its second argument.
A chunker function should parse the text into a hash reference, which includes a 'type' field equal to the chunker's first argument. The rest of the hash can have whatever structure the executor of that hook will need to execute it (see
). The chunker returns a single argument, the hash reference with the 'type' field.Here is an example of a chunker which handles tags like
[[ $var ]]
:sub chunk_variable { # returns {type=>'$', name=>'whatever'} my $type = shift; my $text = shift; return { type=>$type, name=>&Taco::Template::interpret($text), # So we can handle things like [[ $var[[$two]] ]]. # If we didn't need to, we could just do name=>$text. }; }
&Taco::Template::set_executor( char, \&routine );
Sets the executor function for the given character. The executor will be called to interpret the value of a template tag. It takes one argument, a hash reference created by a chunker. The executor should return a string which is the result of executing the given tag.
Have a look at
if you're want to see the chunker and executor functions. They govern the syntax and execution of the individual tags.
Ken Williams (
Copyright (c) 1998 Swarthmore College. All rights reserved.