NAME - a class implementing a fill-in template


use Text::FillIn;

$Text::FillIn::HOOK{'$'} = sub { return ${$_[0]} };  # Hard reference
$Text::FillIn::HOOK{'&'} = "main::run_function";     # Symbolic reference
sub run_function { return &{$_[0]} }

$template = new Text::FillIn('some text with [[$variables]] and [[&routines]]');
$filled_in = $template->interpret();  # Returns filled-in template
print $filled_in;
$template->interpret_and_print();  # Prints template to currently selected filehandle

# Or
$template = new Text::FillIn();
$template->set_text('the text is [[ $[[$var1]][[$var2]] ]]');
$var1 = 'two_';
$var2 = 'parter';
$two_parter = 'interpreted';
$template->interpret_and_print();  # Prints "the text is interpreted"

# Or
$template = new Text::FillIn();
$template->get_file('/etc/template_dir/my_template');  # Fetches a file

# Or
$template = new Text::FillIn();
@Text::FillIn::TEMPLATE_PATH = ('.', '/etc/template_dir');  # Where to find templates
$template->get_file('my_template'); # Gets ./my_template or /etc/template_dir/my_template


This module provides a class for doing fill-in templates. These templates may be used as web pages with dynamic content, e-mail messages with fill-in fields, or whatever other uses you might think of. Text::FillIn provides handy methods for fetching files from the disk, printing a template while interpreting it (also called streaming), and nested fill-in sections (i.e. expressions like [[ $thing1[[$thing2]] ]] are legal).

Note that the version number here is 0.01 - that means that the interface may change a bit - in particular, the interfaces for accessing the $LEFT_DELIM, $RIGHT_DELIM, %HOOK, and @TEMPLATE_PATH variables is probably a little unpredictable in future versions (see TO_DO below). I might also change the default HOOKs or something.

In this documentation, I generally use "template" to mean "an object of class Text::FillIn".

Defining the structure of templates

  • delimiters

    Text::FillIn has some special variables that it uses to do its work. You can set those variables and customize the way templates get filled in.

    The delimiters that set fill-in sections of your form apart from the rest of the form are generally [[ and ]], but they don't have to be, you can set them to whatever you want. So you could do this:

    $Text::FillIn::LEFT_DELIM  = '{';
    $Text::FillIn::RIGHT_DELIM = '}';
    $template->set_text('this is a {$variable} and this is a {&function}.');

    Whatever you set the delimiter to, you can put backslashes before them in your templates, to force them not to be interpreted:

    $template->set_text('some [[$[[$var2]][[$var]]]] and some \[[ text \]]');
    # Prints "some stuff and some [[ text ]]"

    You cannot currently have several different kinds of delimiters in a single template.

  • interpretation hooks

    In order to interpret templates, you're going to have to tell the Text::FillIn module what to do with things it's supposed to interpret. The way you do that is by setting the values of some hooks. The hooks are names of various functions to run when confronted with various kinds of fill-in fields. There are two hooks provided by default:

    $HOOK{'$'} ||= "main::find_value";
    $HOOK{'&'} ||= "main::run_function";

    So if you leave these hooks the way they are, when Text::FillIn sees some text like "some [[$vars]] and some [[&funk]]", it will run &main::find_value to find the value of [[$vars]], and it will run &main::run_function to find the value of [[&funk]]. This is based on the first non-whitespace character after the delimiter, which is required to be a non-word character (no letters, numbers, or underscores). You can define hooks for any non-word character you want:

    $Text::FillIn::HOOK{'!'} = "main::scream_it";
    $template = new Text::FillIn("some [[!mushrooms]] were in my shoes!");
    sub scream_it {
       my $text = shift;
       return uc($text); # Uppercase-it
    $new_text = $template->interpret();
    # Returns "some MUSHROOMS were in my shoes!"

    Every hook function will be passed all the text between the delimiters, without any surrounding whitespace or the leading identifier (the & or $, or whatever). Values in %Text::FillIn::HOOK can be either hard references or symbolic references, but if they are symbolic, they need to use the complete package name and everything.

    Here are some simple hook functions you might use. More complicated ones can do fancier things, of course.

    sub find_value {
       # Usage: $result = &find_value($variable_name);
       my $variable_name = shift @_;
       return ${$variable_name};  # Or $hash{$variable_name}, if you 
    }                             # don't want to use symbolic references
    sub run_function {
       # Usage: $result = &run_function("some_function(param1,param2,param3)");
       my $function_call = shift @_;
       return unless ($function_call =~ /(\w+)\((.*)\)/);
       my ($function_name, $args) = ($1, $2);
       return &{"public::$function_name"}( split(/,/, $args) );
  • template directories

    Set @Text::FillIn::TEMPLATE_PATH in your script to point to directories with templates in them:

    @Text::FillIn::TEMPLATE_PATH = ('.', '/etc/template_dir')
    $template->get_file('my_template'); # Gets ./my_template or /etc/template_dir/my_template


  • new Text::FillIn()

    This is the constructor, which means it returns a new object of type Text::FillIn. If you feed it some text, it will set the template's text to be what you give it:

    $template = new Text::FillIn("some [[$vars]] and some [[&funk]]");
  • $template->get_file( $filename );

    This will look for a template called $filename (in the directories given in @Text::FillIn::TEMPLATE_PATH) and slurp it in. If $filename starts with / , then Text::FillIn will treat $filename as an absolute path, and not search through the directories for it:

    $template->get_file( "my_template" );
    $template->get_file( "/weird/place/with/template" );
  • $template->set_text($new_text)

  • $template->get_text()

    These two functions let you access the text of the template.

  • $template->interpret()

    Returns the interpreted contents of the template:

    $interpreted_text = $template->interpret();

    This, along with interpret_and_print, are the main point of this whole module.

  • $template->interpret_and_print()

    Interprets the [[ fill-in parts ]] of a template and prints the template, streaming its output as much as possible. This means that if it encounters an expression like "[[ stuff [[ more stuff]] ]]", it will fill in [[ more stuff ]], then use the filled-in value to resolve the value of [[ stuff something ]], and then print it out.

    If it encounters an expression like "stuff1 [[thing1]] stuff2 [[thing2]]", it will print stuff1, then the value of [[thing1]], then stuff2, then the value of [[thing2]]. This is as streamed as possible if you want nested brackets to resolve correctly.

  • $template->get_property( $name );

  • $template->set_property( $name, $value );

    These two methods let you set arbitrary properties of the template, like this:

    $template->set_property('color', 'blue');
    # ... some code...
    $color = $template->get_property('color');

    The Text::FillIn class doesn't actually pay any attention whatsoever to the properties - it's purely for your own convenience, so that small changes in functionality can be achieved in an object-oriented way without having to subclass Text::FillIn.


If you want to use nested fill-ins on your template, make sure things get printed in the order you think they'll be printed. If you have something like this: [[$var_number_[[&get_number]]]], and your &get_number prints a number, you won't get the results you probably want. Text::FillIn will print your number, then try to interpret [[$var_number_]], which probably won't work.

The solution is to make &get_number return its number rather than print it. Then Text::FillIn will turn [[$var_number_[[&get_number]]]] into [[$var_number_5]], and then print the value of $var_number_5. That's probably what you wanted.


  • Use autosplit or the SelfLoader module so little used or newly added functions won't be a burden to programs which don't use them.

  • Make the module more friendly to being sub-classed, in particular by changing the method for accessing the %HOOK, $RIGHT_DELIM, $LEFT_DELIM, and @TEMPLATE_PATH variables.

  • Think about writing some of the code in C as an extension. I don't know how to do this kind of stuff yet, so I haven't - and I don't know whether it's a good idea either.


These are some cases I've put together to make sure (yeah, right) any future changes I make to Text::FillIn don't break it.

use Text::FillIn;
%cases = ('some [[$var]] and so on' => 'some text and so on',
          'some [[ $nested[[$var]] ]] flambe' => 'some coconuts flambe',
          '[[$var]]' => 'text',
          '[[ $var ]]' => 'text',
          'an example of [[$var]] and [[$more_var]] together' =>
             'an example of text and donuts together',
          'some [[$[[$var2]][[$var]]]] and some \\[[ text \\]]' =>
             'some coconuts and some [[ text ]]',
          'some [[$[[$var2]][[$var]]]] and some [[ $text\\]] ]]' =>
             'some coconuts and some garbage',
@val{'var',  'nestedtext', 'more_var', 'var2',   'text\\]]'} =
    ('text', 'coconuts',   'donuts',   'nested', 'garbage');

$Text::FillIn::HOOK{'$'} = sub { $val{$_[0]} };

my $template = new Text::FillIn;
my ($raw_text, $cooked_text, $result);
while (($raw_text, $cooked_text) = each %cases) {
   print ("$raw_text\n");
   $result = $template->interpret();
   unless ($result eq $cooked_text) {
      print "Error 1: '$raw_text' -> '$result'\n";
   open (TEMP, ">/tmp/template_test") or die $!;
   select TEMP;
   close TEMP;
   select STDOUT;
   $result = `cat /tmp/template_test`;
   unless ($result eq $cooked_text) {
      print "Error 2: '$raw_text' -> '$result'\n";


Ken Williams (

Copyright (c) 1998 Swarthmore College. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.