Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 27 Learn more

use strict;
use GD;
require Exporter;
use vars qw($VERSION @ISA $errStr);
@ISA = qw(GD::Barcode Exporter);
my $leftOddBar ={
'0' => '0001101',
'1' => '0011001',
'2' => '0010011',
'3' => '0111101',
'4' => '0100011',
'5' => '0110001',
'6' => '0101111',
'7' => '0111011',
'8' => '0110111',
'9' => '0001011'
my $leftEvenBar = {
'0' => '0100111',
'1' => '0110011',
'2' => '0011011',
'3' => '0100001',
'4' => '0011101',
'5' => '0111001',
'6' => '0000101',
'7' => '0010001',
'8' => '0001001',
'9' => '0010111'
my $rightBar = {
'0' => '1110010',
'1' => '1100110',
'2' => '1101100',
'3' => '1000010',
'4' => '1011100',
'5' => '1001110',
'6' => '1010000',
'7' => '1000100',
'8' => '1001000',
'9' => '1110100'
my $guardBar = 'G0G';
my $centerBar = '0G0G0';
my $oddEven4EAN = {
0 => 'OOOOOO',
1 => 'OOEOEE',
2 => 'OOEEOE',
3 => 'OOEEEO',
4 => 'OEOOEE',
5 => 'OEEOOE',
6 => 'OEEEOO',
7 => 'OEOEOE',
8 => 'OEOEEO',
9 => 'OEEOEO'
# new (for GD::Barcode::EAN13)
sub new($$) {
my($sClass, $sTxt) = @_;
$errStr ='';
my $oThis = {};
bless $oThis;
return undef if($errStr = $oThis->init($sTxt));
return $oThis;
# init (for GD::Barcode::EAN13)
sub init($$){
my($oThis, $sTxt) =@_;
return 'Invalid Characters' if($sTxt =~ /[^0-9]/);
if( length($sTxt) == 12 ) {
$sTxt .= calcEAN13CD( $sTxt ) ;
elsif(length($sTxt) == 13) {
else {
return 'Invalid Length';
$oThis->{text} = $sTxt;
return '';
# Check digit for EAN13
sub calcEAN13CD($) {
my( $sTxt ) =@_;
my( $i, $iSum);
my @aWeight = (1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3);
$iSum = 0;
for( $i = 0; $i < 12; $i++ ){
$iSum += substr($sTxt, $i, 1) * $aWeight[$i];
$iSum %= 10;
$iSum = ($iSum == 0)? 0: (10 - $iSum);
return "$iSum";
# barcode (for GD::Barcode::EAN13)
sub barcode($) {
my ($oThis) = @_;
my ($sTxt);
my ($oddEven, $i, $sBar);
my ($sRes);
$sTxt = $oThis->{text};
$sRes = $guardBar; #GUARD
#(2)Left 7 letters
$oddEven = $oddEven4EAN->{substr($sTxt, 0, 1)};
for( $i = 1; $i < 7; $i++ ) {
$sBar = ( substr($oddEven, $i-1, 1) eq 'O')?
$leftOddBar : $leftEvenBar;
$sRes .= GD::Barcode::barPtn(
substr($sTxt, $i, 1), $sBar);
$sRes .= $centerBar;
for( $i = 7; $i < 13; $i++ ) {
$sRes .= GD::Barcode::barPtn( substr($sTxt, $i, 1), $rightBar );
$sRes .= $guardBar;
return $sRes;
# plot (for GD::Barcode::EAN13)
sub plot($;%) {
my($oThis, %hParam) = @_;
#Barcode Pattern
my $sPtn = $oThis->barcode();
#Create Image
my $iHeight = ($hParam{Height})? $hParam{Height} : 50;
my($oGd, $cBlack);
if($hParam{NoText}) {
($oGd, $cBlack) = GD::Barcode::plot($sPtn, length($sPtn), $iHeight, 0, 0);
else {
my($fW,$fH) = (gdSmallFont->width,gdSmallFont->height);
my $iWidth = length($sPtn)+$fW+1;
($oGd, $cBlack) = GD::Barcode::plot($sPtn, $iWidth, $iHeight, $fH, $fW+1);
$oGd->string(gdSmallFont, 0, $iHeight - $fH, substr($oThis->{text}, 0, 1), $cBlack);
$oGd->string(gdSmallFont, $fW +8 , $iHeight - $fH, substr($oThis->{text}, 1, 6), $cBlack);
$oGd->string(gdSmallFont, $fW +55, $iHeight - $fH, substr($oThis->{text}, 7, 6), $cBlack);
return $oGd;
=head1 NAME
GD::Barcode::EAN13 - Create EAN13(JAN13) barcode image with GD
I<ex. CGI>
use GD::Barcode::EAN13;
print "Content-Type: image/png\n\n";
print GD::Barcode::EAN13->new('123456789012')->plot->png;
I<with Error Check>
my $oGdBar = GD::Barcode::EAN13->new('123456789');
die $GD::Barcode::EAN13::errStr unless($oGdBar); #Invalid Length
GD::Barcode::EAN13 is a subclass of GD::Barcode and allows you to
create EAN13(JAN13) barcode image with GD.
=head2 new
I<$oGdBar> = GD::Barcode::EAN13->new(I<$sTxt>);
Creates a GD::Barcode::EAN13 object for I<$sTxt>.
I<$sTxt> has 12 or 13 numeric characters([0-9]).
If I<$sTxt> has 12 characters, this module calacurates CD for you.
=head2 plot()
I<$oGd> = $oGdBar->plot([Height => I<$iHeight>, NoText => I<0 | 1>]);
creates GD object with barcode image for the I<$sTxt> specified at L<new> method.
I<$iHeight> is height of the image. If I<NoText> is 1, the image has no text image of I<$sTxt>.
my $oGdB = GD::Barcode::EAN13->new('123456789012');
my $oGD = $oGdB->plot(NoText=>1, Height => 20);
# $sGD is a GD image with Height=>20 pixels, with no text.
=head2 barcode()
I<$sPtn> = $oGdBar->barcode();
returns a barcode pattern in string with '1', 'G' and '0'.
'1' means black, 'G' also means black but little bit long,
'0' means white.
my $oGdB = GD::Barcode::EAN13->new('123456789012');
my $sPtn = $oGdB->barcode();
# $sPtn = '';
=head2 $errStr
has error message.
=head2 $text
has barcode text based on I<$sTxt> specified in L<new> method.
=head1 AUTHOR
Kawai Takanori GCD00051@nifty.ne.jp
=head1 SEE ALSO