WWW::Eksisozluk - Perl extension to grab entries and lists of entries from eksisozluk (


use WWW::Eksisozluk;
my $eksi  = WWW::Eksisozluk->new();
my @debe  = $eksi->debe_ids();
my %entry = $eksi->entry($debe[0]);
my %popular = $eksi->popular();


This module provides a simple command line interface for eksisozluk, which is a user-based web dictionary, a famous web site in Turkey since 1999. You can get "debe" list (list of most voted entries from yesterday) by using this module.

debe_ids() will return the entry id's of the online debe list. Element at index 0 will be the first entry, 1 is second and so on. You can also get details of an entry by only giving the entry id to entry(). Ideally, you should call these methods from an object. This will return a hash with the values below.

'id' # is the id of the entry. it was already given by the user.
'id_link' # is the direct link to the entry.
'id_ref' # is the id of the reference entry. reference entry is the first entry of the day in the same topic. it might be equal to id.
'date_accessed' # will show the date-time of the script running.

'is_found' # will show whether entry is found or not. will return 0 if entry is deleted, or not written yet.

'topic' # is the topic of the entry.
'topic_link' # is the link of the topic. can be used for search.
'number_in_topic' # is the order of the entry in the topic.
'date_published' # is the date-time entry is first published.
'is_modified' # will show if the entry is modified or not.
'date_modified' # is the date entry is modified. if it is not modified, will return 0.
'date_print' # is the human readable date that can be used to print.

'author' # is the username who wrote the entry.
'author_link' # is the link of the author.
'body_raw' # is the raw entry, as downloaded from eksisozluk directly.
'body' # is the edited entry, several fixes is applied to the raw.
'fav_count' # is the number that shows the time that entry is marked as favourite.

popular() will return currently popular topics, with the number of popular entries they contain.



You should create a new Eksisozluk object and call "debe_ids" and "entry" methods from there as shown in synopsis.


Follow and/or contribute to the development of this package at


Kivanc Yazan


Copyright (C) 2014 by Kivanc Yazan

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.14.2 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.

The data you reach by using this module might be subject to the copyright terms of Eksisozluk. See for details.