Changes for version 2.50_2910 - 2012-07-16

  • -Helios::Service: changes to dbConnect(), jobsWaiting() to prevent clobbering of Helios::ObjectDriver::DBI connections in some cases. -Helios::Service: replaced try {} otherwise block with eval {} or do in getFuncidFromDb(). -Updated copyright notices in README and to include notifications of Logical Helion and Six Apart code (the notices were intact on the code in question).

Changes for version 2.50_2860 - 2012-07-15

  • -NEW Helios::Config module to handle parsing of configuration information, and modifications to Helios::Service and to use it instead of the old getConfigFromIni() and getConfigFromDb() methods.

Changes for version 2.50_2850 - 2012-07-11

  • -Helios::TheSchwartz and Helios::ObjectDriver::DBI added to implement DBI-level database connection caching. Helios::Service, Helios::Logger, and Helios::Job and have been changed to use the new connection handling scheme. -Changed Bundle::Helios::Generic to Bundle::Helios (since the RedHat-specific bundle has been eliminated). added worker_blitz_factor configuration parameter to allow MAX_WORKERS workers to launch before there are that many jobs available in the job queue.


CGI script to receive jobs for Helios via HTTP POST
Launch a daemon to service jobs in the Helios job processing system
Submit a job to the Helios job processing system from the cmd line
Clean old log and history entries from the Helios database
a tutorial for getting started with Helios


install all Helios related modules
a distributed job processing system
a convenience class to import all Helios::Error exception classes
base exception class for Helios services
exception class for Helios indicating a database error occurred
fatal exception class for Helios indicating a job failed but can be re-attempted
fatal exception class for Helios indicating a job failed and the error was so serious the job should not be reattempted.
exception class for Helios indicating a job's args are invalid
exception class for Helios indicating an error occurred in the logging subsystem
exception class for Helios indicating a job was successful but it encountered errors during processing
base class for jobs in the Helios job processing system
Base class for sending Helios logging information to external loggers
Helios::Logger subclass implementing Helios internal logging
base class for metajob burst services in Helios
Data::ObjectDriver subclass for Helios
base class for services in the Helios job processing system
Helios::Service subclass useful for testing
TheSchwartz subclass for Helios


in lib/Helios/
in lib/Helios/
in lib/Helios/
in lib/Helios/
in lib/Helios/LogEntry/