Changes for version 2.61 - 2013-09-13
- Helios 2.61 is a bugfix release:
- Fix for [RT81709].
- Fix for [RT81914].
- Helios::Service & Helios::Job: Patch for [RT79690]. This bug actually appears to be caused by LOB binding problems with the underlying DBD module. This problem can cause a loss of jobs in the job queue under certain circumstances, so if you are experiencing this problem you are encouraged to upgrade to this version and upgrade your DBD module to the latest version. Consult the page for this bug for more information.
- Makefile.PL: Changes for proper version handling of LICENSE. Additions so the generated META.* files will have website, bugtracking, and GitHub information for sites like MetaCPAN and
CGI script to receive jobs for Helios via HTTP POST
Launch a daemon to service jobs in the Helios job processing system
Submit a job to the Helios job processing system from the cmd line
Clean old log and history entries from the Helios database
a tutorial for getting started with Helios
install all Helios related modules
a distributed job processing system
base class for Helios configuration system
a convenience class to import all Helios::Error exception classes
base exception class for Helios services
exception class for Helios indicating a configuration error occurred
exception class for Helios indicating a database error occurred
fatal exception class for Helios indicating a job failed but can be re-attempted
fatal exception class for Helios indicating a job failed and the error was so serious the job should not be reattempted.
exception class for Helios indicating a job's args are invalid
exception class for Helios indicating an error occurred in the logging subsystem
exception class for Helios indicating a job was successful but it encountered errors during processing
base class for jobs in the Helios job processing system
Base class for sending Helios logging information to external loggers
Helios::Logger subclass implementing Helios internal logging
base class for metajob burst services in Helios
Data::ObjectDriver subclass for Helios
base class for services in the Helios job processing system
Helios::Service subclass useful for testing
TheSchwartz subclass for Helios
in lib/Helios/
in lib/Helios/
in lib/Helios/
in lib/Helios/LogEntry/
- eg/MP3IndexerService-1.00/Changes
- eg/MP3IndexerService-1.00/LICENSE
- eg/MP3IndexerService-1.00/MANIFEST
- eg/MP3IndexerService-1.00/META.yml
- eg/MP3IndexerService-1.00/Makefile.PL
- eg/MP3IndexerService-1.00/README
- eg/MP3IndexerService-1.00/
- eg/MP3IndexerService-1.00/sql/config.sql
- eg/MP3IndexerService-1.00/sql/schema.sql
- eg/MP3IndexerService-1.00/t/MP3IndexerService.t