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HeliosX::ExtLoggerService - Helios::Service class to allow Helios logging to external logging systems


  # in your service class
  package YourHeliosService;
  use base qw(HeliosX::ExtLoggerService);
  use strict;
  use warnings;

  # in helios.ini


HeliosX::ExtLoggerService is a Helios::Service subclass providing a more advanced logging subsystem to Helios applications. It overrides the Helios::Service->logMsg() method with a new, more advanced method. It also provides a standard base class, HeliosX::Logger, that can be extended to write interface shims to various logging systems. The logging to these systems can be controlled through several new helios.ini options globally or on an application-by- application basis.

To take advantage of HeliosX::ExtLoggerService's functionality, use it rather than Helios::Service as your service's base class.

 # normal Helios service
 package MyService;
 use base qw(Helios::Service);
 # Helios service w/advanced logging
 package MyService;
 use base qw(HeliosX::ExtLoggerService);

HeliosX::ExtLoggerService itself extends Helios::Service, so all of the normal Helios service methods and features are still available to your service. In fact, swapping the 'use base' lines above in your service class will cause no visible changes in your application; all log messages will continue to be sent to the internal Helios logging subsystem. HeliosX::ExtLoggingService will, however, allow you to reconfigure your Helios collective to send log messages to external logging systems and even disable Helios's internal logging, if you prefer.


HeliosX::ExtLoggerService adds support for several Helios configuration options not present in the base Helios system. Though these options can be set either in helios.ini or in HELIOS_PARAMS_TB, it is strongly recommended these options only be set in helios.ini as changing logging configurations on-the-fly could potentially cause a Helios service (and possibly your whole collective) to become unstable.

The following options can be set in either a [global] section or in an application section of your helios.ini file. Keep in mind that even if you set your configuration parameters globally, only Helios services that extend HeliosX::ExtLoggerService will recognize the new parameters. Services that only extend Helios::Service will be unaffected.



A comma delimited list of interface classes to external logging systems. Each of these classes should implement (or otherwise extend) the HeliosX::Logger class. Each class will most likely have its own configuration parameters to set; consult the documentation for the interface class you're trying to configure.



Whether to enable the internal Helios logging system as well as the loggers specified with the 'loggers=' line above. The default is on, so the default behavior for a service based on HeliosX::ExtLoggerService will match behavior of those based on Helios::Service. If set to off, the only logging your service will do will be to the external logging systems.

NOTE: Even though we are referring to the internal Helios logging system, the code that implements that system has been extracted from the base Helios distribution and refactored here as HeliosX::Logger::Internal. The log data itself still goes to the same place, and the code is practically identical, but this allows HeliosX::ExtLoggerService to easily override logMsg(). The copyright information for this code has been preserved.


logMsg([$job,] [$priority_level,] $message)

Given a message to log, an optional priority level, and an optional Helios::Job object, logMsg() will record the message in the logging systems that have been configured. If the internal logging system is enabled, logMsg() will automatically add HeliosX::Logger::Internal to the list of systems to which to log the message. If the priority level isn't specified, LOG_INFO is the default. If a Helios::Job object isn't specified, the jobid will not be associated with the log message.

This method returns a true value if successful and throws an exception if errors occur.


Helios::Service, HeliosX::Logger


Andrew Johnson, <lajandy at cpan dotorg>


Copyright (C) 2009 by Andrew Johnson

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.0 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.


This software comes with no warranty of any kind.