The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

use strict;
use v5.10;
# Small script used to create data for blog post:
# Note: you will need to install List::Util and STatistics::Descriptive
use List::Util qw/max min/;
my $srv = Webservice::Judobase->new;
my %events = (
2035 => 'Tokyo2020',
1339 => 'Rio2016',
1089 => 'London2012',
2239 => 'Worlds 2021',
1232 => 'Worlds 2015',
my %stats;
for my $event_id ( keys %events ) {
my $contests = $srv->contests->competition( id => $event_id );
for my $contest (@$contests) {
$stats{$event_id}{athlete}{ $contest->{id_person_blue} }++;
$stats{$event_id}{athlete}{ $contest->{id_person_white} }++;
$stats{$event_id}{golden_score}++ if $contest->{gs};
$stats{$event_id}{yuko} += $contest->{yuko};
$stats{$event_id}{wazari} += $contest->{waza};
$stats{$event_id}{ippon} += $contest->{ippon};
$stats{$event_id}{shido} += $contest->{penalty};
my @sections = split( ":", $contest->{duration} );
my $time = ( $sections[1] * 60 ) + $sections[2];
push @{ $stats{$event_id}{duration} }, $time;
for my $event_id ( keys %events ) {
say $ogames{$event_id};
say '---';
say "Athletes: ", scalar keys %{ $stats{$event_id}{athlete} };
say "Contests: ", $stats{$event_id}{contests};
say "Yuko: ", $stats{$event_id}{yuko};
say "Wazari: ", $stats{$event_id}{wazari};
say "Ippon: ", $stats{$event_id}{ippon};
say "Shido: ", $stats{$event_id}{shido};
say '';
say "Number of different durations: ",
scalar @{ $stats{$event_id}{duration} };
say "Longest contest: ", max @{ $stats{$event_id}{duration} };
say "Shortest contest: ", min @{ $stats{$event_id}{duration} };
say '';
say 'Shido per contest: ',
$stats{$event_id}{shido} / $stats{$event_id}{contests};
say 'Ippon per contest: ',
$stats{$event_id}{ippon} / $stats{$event_id}{contests};
my $stat = Statistics::Descriptive::Full->new();
$stat->add_data( $stats{$event_id}{duration} );
my $mean = $stat->mean();
my $median = $stat->median();
my $tm = $stat->trimmed_mean(.25);
say " Mean: ", sprintf( "%d.02", $mean );
say " Median: ", sprintf( "%d.02", $median );
say " Trimmed mean: ", sprintf( "%d.02", $tm );
say '';