Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

use utf8;
use strict;
$VERSION = 0.53;
$ABSTRACT = "Cassandra client (XS for libcassandra)";
@ISA = qw(Exporter DynaLoader);
@EXPORT = qw(
bootstrap Database::Cassandra::Client $VERSION;
use DynaLoader ();
use Exporter ();
=head1 NAME
Database::Cassandra::Client - Cassandra client (XS for libcassandra)
Simple API:
use Database::Cassandra::Client;
my $cass = Database::Cassandra::Client->cluster_new();
my $status = $cass->sm_connect("node1.domainame.com,node2.domainame.com");
die $cass->error_desc($status) if $status != CASS_OK;
# insert
my $sth = $cass->sm_prepare("INSERT INTO tw.docs (yauid, body) VALUES (?,?);", $status);
die $cass->error_desc($status) if $status != CASS_OK;
for my $id (1..15)
$cass->statement_bind_int64($sth, 0, $id);
$cass->statement_bind_string($sth, 1, "test body bind: $id");
$status = $cass->sm_execute_query($sth);
die $cass->error_desc($status) if $status != CASS_OK;
# get row
my $sth = $cass->sm_prepare("SELECT * FROM tw.docs where yauid=?", $status);
die $cass->error_desc($status) if $status != CASS_OK;
for my $id (1..15)
$cass->statement_bind_int64($sth, 0, $id);
my $data = $cass->sm_select_query($sth, undef, $status);
die $cass->error_desc($status) if $status != CASS_OK;
print $data->[0]->{yauid}, ": ", $data->[0]->{body}, "\n"
if ref $data && exists $data->[0];
Base API:
use Database::Cassandra::Client;
my $status = CASS_OK;
my $cass = Database::Cassandra::Client->cluster_new();
$status = $cass->cluster_set_num_threads_io(1);
warn $cass->error_desc($status) if $status != CASS_OK;
my $connect_future = $cass->cluster_connect();
if(($status = $cass->future_error_code($connect_future)) == CASS_OK)
my $session = $cass->future_get_session($connect_future);
my $query = $cass->string_init("select * from tw.docs limit 1");
my $statement = $cass->statement_new($query, 0);
my $result_future = $cass->session_execute($session, $statement);
if(($status = $cass->future_error_code($result_future)) == CASS_OK)
my $result = $cass->future_get_result($result_future);
my $rows = $cass->iterator_from_result($result);
while( $cass->iterator_next($rows) )
my $row = $cass->iterator_get_row($rows);
my $value = $cass->row_get_column($row, 1);
# or my $value = $cass->row_get_column_by_name($row, "body");
my $text = {};
if(($status = $cass->value_get_string($value, $text)) == CASS_OK)
print $text, "\n";
else{ warn $cass->error_desc($status) }
my $close_future = $cass->session_close($session);
else {die $cass->error_desc($status)}
This is glue for Cassandra C/C++ Driver library.
Please, before install this module make Cassandra library.
Current libcassandra 1.0 ( https://github.com/datastax/cpp-driver )
=head1 METHODS
=head2 simple
=head3 sm_connect
my $error_code = $cass->sm_connect($contact_points);
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
my $cass = Database::Cassandra::Client->cluster_new();
my $status = $cass->sm_connect("node1.domainame.com,node2.domainame.com");
die $cass->error_desc($status) if $status != CASS_OK;
=head3 sm_prepare
my $obj_Statement = $cass->sm_prepare($query, $out_status);
Return: obj_Statement
my $status;
my $sth = $cass->sm_prepare("INSERT INTO tw.docs (yauid, body) VALUES (12345,'test text')", $status);
die $cass->error_desc($status) if $status != CASS_OK;
=head3 sm_execute_query
my $error_code = $cass->sm_execute_query($statement);
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
my $cass = Database::Cassandra::Client->cluster_new();
my $status = $cass->sm_connect("node1.domainame.com,node2.domainame.com");
die $cass->error_desc($status) if $status != CASS_OK;
my $sth = $cass->sm_prepare("INSERT INTO tw.docs (yauid, body) VALUES (?,?);", $status);
die $cass->error_desc($status) if $status != CASS_OK;
$cass->statement_bind_int64($sth, 0, 1234567);
$cass->statement_bind_string($sth, 1, 'test body bind');
$status = $cass->sm_execute_query($sth);
die $cass->error_desc($status) if $status != CASS_OK;
=head3 sm_select_query
my $res = $cass->sm_select_query($statement, $binds, $out_status);
Return: variable
my $cass = Database::Cassandra::Client->cluster_new();
my $status = $cass->sm_connect("node1.domainame.com,node2.domainame.com");
die $cass->error_desc($status) if $status != CASS_OK;
my $sth = $cass->sm_prepare("SELECT * FROM tw.docs where yauid=?", $status);
die $cass->error_desc($status) if $status != CASS_OK;
$cass->statement_bind_int64($sth, 0, 1234567);
my $data = $cass->sm_select_query($sth, undef, $status);
die $cass->error_desc($status) if $status != CASS_OK;
=head3 sm_finish_query
Free query statement
=head3 sm_destroy
Return: undef
=head2 Cluster
=head3 cluster_new
my $cassandra_object = cluster_new($name);
Creates a new cluster.
Return: cassandra_object
=head3 cluster_free
Frees a cluster instance.
Return: undef
=head3 cluster_set_contact_points
my $error_code = $cass->cluster_set_contact_points($contact_points);
Sets/Appends contact points. This *MUST* be set. The first call sets the contact points and any subsequent calls appends additional contact points. Passing an empty string will clear the contact points. White space is striped from the contact points. Examples: "" ",", "server1.domain.com"
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 cluster_set_port
my $error_code = $cass->cluster_set_port($port);
Sets the port. Default: 9042
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 cluster_set_protocol_version
my $error_code = $cass->cluster_set_protocol_version($protocol_version);
Sets the protocol version. This will automatically downgrade if to protocol version 1. Default: 2
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 cluster_set_num_threads_io
my $error_code = $cass->cluster_set_num_threads_io($num_threads);
Sets the number of IO threads. This is the number of threads that will handle query requests. Default: 0 (creates a thread per core)
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 cluster_set_queue_size_io
my $error_code = $cass->cluster_set_queue_size_io($queue_size);
Sets the size of the the fixed size queue that stores pending requests. Default: 4096
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 cluster_set_core_connections_per_host
my $error_code = $cass->cluster_set_core_connections_per_host($num_connections);
Sets the number of connections made to each server in each IO thread. Default: 2
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 cluster_set_max_connections_per_host
my $error_code = $cass->cluster_set_max_connections_per_host($num_connections);
Sets the maximum number of connections made to each server in each IO thread. Default: 4
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 cluster_set_max_concurrent_creation
my $error_code = $cass->cluster_set_max_concurrent_creation($num_connections);
Sets the maximum number of connections that will be created concurrently. Connections are created when the current connections are unable to keep up with request throughput. Default: 1
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 cluster_set_max_concurrent_requests_threshold
my $error_code = $cass->cluster_set_max_concurrent_requests_threshold($num_requests);
Sets the threshold for the maximum number of concurrent requests in-flight on a connection before creating a new connection. The number of new connections created will not exceed max_connections_per_host. Default: 100
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 cluster_set_pending_requests_high_water_mark
my $error_code = $cass->cluster_set_pending_requests_high_water_mark($num_requests);
Sets the high water mark for the number of requests queued waiting for a connection in a connection pool. Disables writes to a host on an IO worker if the number of requests queued exceed this value. Default: 128 * max_connections_per_host
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 cluster_set_pending_requests_low_water_mark
my $error_code = $cass->cluster_set_pending_requests_low_water_mark($num_requests);
Sets the low water mark for the number of requests queued waiting for a connection in a connection pool. After exceeding high water mark requests, writes to a host will only resume once the number of requests fall below this value. Default: 64 * max_connections_per_host
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 cluster_set_connect_timeout
my $error_code = $cass->cluster_set_connect_timeout($timeout);
Sets the timeout for connecting to a node. Default: 5000 milliseconds
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 cluster_set_request_timeout
my $error_code = $cass->cluster_set_request_timeout($timeout);
Sets the timeout for waiting for a response from a node. Default: 12000 milliseconds
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 cluster_set_log_level
my $error_code = $cass->cluster_set_log_level($level);
Sets the log level. Default: CASS_LOG_WARN
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 cluster_set_log_callback
my $error_code = $cass->cluster_set_log_callback($callback, $data);
Sets a callback for handling logging events. Default: An internal callback that prints to stdout
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
my $cass = Database::Cassandra::Client->cluster_new();
my $callback = sub {
my ($time_uint64, $severity, $message, $arg) = @_;
print "[", $cass->log_level_string($severity), "] $message\n";
my $error_code = $cass->cluster_set_log_callback($callback, "arg data :D");
=head3 cluster_set_credentials
my $error_code = $cass->cluster_set_credentials($username, $password);
Sets credentials for plain text authentication.
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 cluster_set_load_balance_round_robin
my $error_code = $cass->cluster_set_load_balance_round_robin();
Configures the cluster to use round-robin load balancing. This is the default, and does not need to be called unless switching an existing from another policy. The driver discovers all nodes in a cluster and cycles through them per request. All are considered 'local'.
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 cluster_set_load_balance_dc_aware
my $error_code = $cass->cluster_set_load_balance_dc_aware($local_dc);
Configures the cluster to use DC-aware load balancing. For each query, all live nodes in a primary 'local' DC are tried first, followed by any node from other DCs.
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 cluster_connect
my $obj_Future = $cass->cluster_connect();
Connects a session to the cluster.
Return: obj_Future
=head3 cluster_connect_keyspace
my $obj_Future = $cass->cluster_connect_keyspace($keyspace);
Connects a session to the cluster and sets the keyspace.
Return: obj_Future
=head2 Session
=head3 session_close
my $obj_Future = $cass->session_close($session);
Closes the session instance, outputs a close future which can be used to determine when the session has been terminated. This allows in-flight requests to finish. It is an error to call this method twice with the same session as it is freed after it terminates.
Return: obj_Future
=head3 session_prepare
my $obj_Future = $cass->session_prepare($session, $query);
Create a prepared statement.
Return: obj_Future
=head3 session_execute
my $obj_Future = $cass->session_execute($session, $statement);
Execute a query or bound statement.
Return: obj_Future
=head3 session_execute_batch
my $obj_Future = $cass->session_execute_batch($session, $batch);
Execute a batch statement.
Return: obj_Future
=head2 Future
=head3 future_free
Frees a future instance. A future can be freed anytime.
Return: undef
=head3 future_set_callback
my $error_code = $cass->future_set_callback($future, $callback, $data);
Sets a callback that is called when a future is set
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 future_ready
my $res = $cass->future_ready($future);
Gets the set status of the future.
Return: variable
=head3 future_wait
my $res = $cass->future_wait($future);
Wait for the future to be set with either a result or error.
Return: variable
=head3 future_wait_timed
my $res = $cass->future_wait_timed($future, $timeout);
Wait for the future to be set or timeout.
Return: variable
=head3 future_get_session
my $obj_Session = $cass->future_get_session($future);
Gets the result of a successful future. If the future is not ready this method will wait for the future to be set. The first successful call consumes the future, all subsequent calls will return NULL.
Return: obj_Session
=head3 future_get_result
my $obj_Result = $cass->future_get_result($future);
Gets the result of a successful future. If the future is not ready this method will wait for the future to be set. The first successful call consumes the future, all subsequent calls will return NULL.
Return: obj_Result
=head3 future_get_prepared
my $obj_Prepared = $cass->future_get_prepared($future);
Gets the result of a successful future. If the future is not ready this method will wait for the future to be set. The first successful call consumes the future, all subsequent calls will return NULL.
Return: obj_Prepared
=head3 future_error_code
my $error_code = $cass->future_error_code($future);
Gets the error code from future. If the future is not ready this method will wait for the future to be set.
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 future_error_message
my $res = $cass->future_error_message($future);
Gets the error message from future. If the future is not ready this method will wait for the future to be set.
Return: variable
=head2 Statement
=head3 statement_new
my $obj_Statement = $cass->statement_new($query, $parameter_count);
Creates a new query statement.
Return: obj_Statement
=head3 statement_free
Frees a statement instance. Statements can be immediately freed after being prepared, executed or added to a batch.
Return: undef
=head3 statement_set_consistency
my $error_code = $cass->statement_set_consistency($statement, $consistency);
Sets the statement's consistency level. Default: CASS_CONSISTENCY_ONE
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 statement_set_serial_consistency
my $error_code = $cass->statement_set_serial_consistency($statement, $serial_consistency);
Sets the statement's serial consistency level. Default: Not set
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 statement_set_paging_size
my $error_code = $cass->statement_set_paging_size($statement, $page_size);
Sets the statement's page size. Default: -1 (Disabled)
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 statement_set_paging_state
my $error_code = $cass->statement_set_paging_state($statement, $result);
Sets the statement's paging state.
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 statement_bind_null
my $error_code = $cass->statement_bind_null($statement, $index);
Binds null to a query or bound statement at the specified index.
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 statement_bind_int32
my $error_code = $cass->statement_bind_int32($statement, $index, $value);
Binds an "int" to a query or bound statement at the specified index.
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 statement_bind_int64
my $error_code = $cass->statement_bind_int64($statement, $index, $value);
Binds a "bigint", "counter" or "timestamp" to a query or bound statement at the specified index.
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 statement_bind_float
my $error_code = $cass->statement_bind_float($statement, $index, $value);
Binds a "float" to a query or bound statement at the specified index.
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 statement_bind_double
my $error_code = $cass->statement_bind_double($statement, $index, $value);
Binds a "double" to a query or bound statement at the specified index.
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 statement_bind_bool
my $error_code = $cass->statement_bind_bool($statement, $index, $value);
Binds a "boolean" to a query or bound statement at the specified index.
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 statement_bind_string
my $error_code = $cass->statement_bind_string($statement, $index, $value);
Binds a "ascii", "text" or "varchar" to a query or bound statement at the specified index.
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 statement_bind_bytes
my $error_code = $cass->statement_bind_bytes($statement, $index, $value);
Binds a "blob" or "varint" to a query or bound statement at the specified index.
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 statement_bind_uuid
my $error_code = $cass->statement_bind_uuid($statement, $index, $value);
Binds a "uuid" or "timeuuid" to a query or bound statement at the specified index.
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 statement_bind_inet
my $error_code = $cass->statement_bind_inet($statement, $index, $value);
Binds an "inet" to a query or bound statement at the specified index.
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 statement_bind_decimal
my $error_code = $cass->statement_bind_decimal($statement, $index, $value);
Bind a "decimal" to a query or bound statement at the specified index.
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 statement_bind_custom
my $error_code = $cass->statement_bind_custom($statement, $index, $size, $output);
Binds any type to a query or bound statement at the specified index. A value can be copied into the resulting output buffer. This is normally reserved for large values to avoid extra memory copies.
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 statement_bind_collection
my $error_code = $cass->statement_bind_collection($statement, $index, $collection);
Bind a "list", "map", or "set" to a query or bound statement at the specified index.
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 statement_bind_int32_by_name
my $error_code = $cass->statement_bind_int32_by_name($statement, $name, $value);
Binds an "int" to all the values with the specified name. This can only be used with statements created by cass_prepared_bind().
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 statement_bind_int64_by_name
my $error_code = $cass->statement_bind_int64_by_name($statement, $name, $value);
Binds a "bigint", "counter" or "timestamp" to all values with the specified name. This can only be used with statements created by cass_prepared_bind().
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 statement_bind_float_by_name
my $error_code = $cass->statement_bind_float_by_name($statement, $name, $value);
Binds a "float" to all the values with the specified name. This can only be used with statements created by cass_prepared_bind().
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 statement_bind_double_by_name
my $error_code = $cass->statement_bind_double_by_name($statement, $name, $value);
Binds a "double" to all the values with the specified name. This can only be used with statements created by cass_prepared_bind().
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 statement_bind_bool_by_name
my $error_code = $cass->statement_bind_bool_by_name($statement, $name, $value);
Binds a "boolean" to all the values with the specified name. This can only be used with statements created by cass_prepared_bind().
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 statement_bind_string_by_name
my $error_code = $cass->statement_bind_string_by_name($statement, $name, $value);
Binds a "ascii", "text" or "varchar" to all the values with the specified name. This can only be used with statements created by cass_prepared_bind().
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 statement_bind_bytes_by_name
my $error_code = $cass->statement_bind_bytes_by_name($statement, $name, $value);
Binds a "blob" or "varint" to all the values with the specified name. This can only be used with statements created by cass_prepared_bind().
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 statement_bind_uuid_by_name
my $error_code = $cass->statement_bind_uuid_by_name($statement, $name, $value);
Binds a "uuid" or "timeuuid" to all the values with the specified name. This can only be used with statements created by cass_prepared_bind().
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 statement_bind_inet_by_name
my $error_code = $cass->statement_bind_inet_by_name($statement, $name, $value);
Binds an "inet" to all the values with the specified name. This can only be used with statements created by cass_prepared_bind().
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 statement_bind_decimal_by_name
my $error_code = $cass->statement_bind_decimal_by_name($statement, $name, $value);
Binds a "decimal" to all the values with the specified name. This can only be used with statements created by cass_prepared_bind().
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 statement_bind_custom_by_name
my $error_code = $cass->statement_bind_custom_by_name($statement, $name, $size, $output);
Binds any type to all the values with the specified name. A value can be copied into the resulting output buffer. This is normally reserved for large values to avoid extra memory copies. This can only be used with statements created by cass_prepared_bind().
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 statement_bind_collection_by_name
my $error_code = $cass->statement_bind_collection_by_name($statement, $name, $collection);
Bind a "list", "map", or "set" to all the values with the specified name. This can only be used with statements created by cass_prepared_bind().
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head2 Prepared
=head3 prepared_free
Frees a prepared instance.
Return: undef
=head3 prepared_bind
my $obj_Statement = $cass->prepared_bind($prepared);
Creates a bound statement from a pre-prepared statement.
Return: obj_Statement
=head2 Batch
=head3 batch_free
Frees a batch instance. Batches can be immediately freed after being executed.
Return: undef
=head3 batch_set_consistency
my $error_code = $cass->batch_set_consistency($batch, $consistency);
Sets the batch's consistency level
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 batch_add_statement
my $error_code = $cass->batch_add_statement($batch, $statement);
Adds a statement to a batch.
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head2 Collection
=head3 collection_new
my $obj_Collection = $cass->collection_new($type, $item_count);
Creates a new collection.
Return: obj_Collection
=head3 collection_free
Frees a collection instance.
Return: undef
=head3 collection_append_int32
my $error_code = $cass->collection_append_int32($collection, $value);
Appends an "int" to the collection.
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 collection_append_int64
my $error_code = $cass->collection_append_int64($collection, $value);
Appends a "bigint", "counter" or "timestamp" to the collection.
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 collection_append_float
my $error_code = $cass->collection_append_float($collection, $value);
Appends a "float" to the collection.
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 collection_append_double
my $error_code = $cass->collection_append_double($collection, $value);
Appends a "double" to the collection.
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 collection_append_bool
my $error_code = $cass->collection_append_bool($collection, $value);
Appends a "boolean" to the collection.
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 collection_append_string
my $error_code = $cass->collection_append_string($collection, $value);
Appends a "ascii", "text" or "varchar" to the collection.
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 collection_append_bytes
my $error_code = $cass->collection_append_bytes($collection, $value);
Appends a "blob" or "varint" to the collection.
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 collection_append_uuid
my $error_code = $cass->collection_append_uuid($collection, $value);
Appends a "uuid" or "timeuuid" to the collection.
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 collection_append_inet
my $error_code = $cass->collection_append_inet($collection, $value);
Appends an "inet" to the collection.
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 collection_append_decimal
my $error_code = $cass->collection_append_decimal($collection, $value);
Appends a "decimal" to the collection.
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head2 Result
=head3 result_free
Frees a result instance. This method invalidates all values, rows, and iterators that were derived from this result.
Return: undef
=head3 result_row_count
my $res = $cass->result_row_count($result);
Gets the number of rows for the specified result.
Return: variable
=head3 result_column_count
my $res = $cass->result_column_count($result);
Gets the number of columns per row for the specified result.
Return: variable
=head3 result_column_name
my $res = $cass->result_column_name($result, $index);
Gets the column name at index for the specified result.
Return: variable
=head3 result_column_type
my $res = $cass->result_column_type($result, $index);
Gets the column type at index for the specified result.
Return: variable
=head3 result_first_row
my $obj_Row = $cass->result_first_row($result);
Gets the first row of the result.
Return: obj_Row
=head3 result_has_more_pages
my $res = $cass->result_has_more_pages($result);
Returns true if there are more pages.
Return: variable
=head2 Iterator
=head3 iterator_free
Frees an iterator instance.
Return: undef
=head3 iterator_from_result
my $obj_Iterator = $cass->iterator_from_result($result);
Creates a new iterator for the specified result. This can be used to iterate over rows in the result.
Return: obj_Iterator
=head3 iterator_from_row
my $obj_Iterator = $cass->iterator_from_row($row);
Creates a new iterator for the specified row. This can be used to iterate over columns in a row.
Return: obj_Iterator
=head3 iterator_from_collection
my $obj_Iterator = $cass->iterator_from_collection($value);
Creates a new iterator for the specified collection. This can be used to iterate over values in a collection.
Return: obj_Iterator
=head3 iterator_from_map
my $obj_Iterator = $cass->iterator_from_map($value);
Creates a new iterator for the specified map. This can be used to iterate over key/value pairs in a map.
Return: obj_Iterator
=head3 iterator_next
my $res = $cass->iterator_next($iterator);
Advance the iterator to the next row, column, or collection item.
Return: variable
=head3 iterator_get_row
my $obj_Row = $cass->iterator_get_row($iterator);
Gets the row at the result iterator's current position. Calling cass_iterator_next() will invalidate the previous row returned by this method.
Return: obj_Row
=head3 iterator_get_column
my $obj_Value = $cass->iterator_get_column($iterator);
Gets the column value at the row iterator's current position. Calling cass_iterator_next() will invalidate the previous column returned by this method.
Return: obj_Value
=head3 iterator_get_value
my $obj_Value = $cass->iterator_get_value($iterator);
Gets the value at the collection iterator's current position. Calling cass_iterator_next() will invalidate the previous value returned by this method.
Return: obj_Value
=head3 iterator_get_map_key
my $obj_Value = $cass->iterator_get_map_key($iterator);
Gets the key at the map iterator's current position. Calling cass_iterator_next() will invalidate the previous value returned by this method.
Return: obj_Value
=head3 iterator_get_map_value
my $obj_Value = $cass->iterator_get_map_value($iterator);
Gets the value at the map iterator's current position. Calling cass_iterator_next() will invalidate the previous value returned by this method.
Return: obj_Value
=head2 Row
=head3 row_get_column
my $obj_Value = $cass->row_get_column($row, $index);
Get the column value at index for the specified row.
Return: obj_Value
=head3 row_get_column_by_name
my $obj_Value = $cass->row_get_column_by_name($row, $name);
Get the column value by name for the specified row.
Return: obj_Value
=head2 Value
=head3 value_get_int32
my $error_code = $cass->value_get_int32($value, $output);
Gets an int32 for the specified value.
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 value_get_int64
my $error_code = $cass->value_get_int64($value, $output);
Gets an int64 for the specified value.
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 value_get_float
my $error_code = $cass->value_get_float($value, $output);
Gets a float for the specified value.
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 value_get_double
my $error_code = $cass->value_get_double($value, $output);
Gets a double for the specified value.
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 value_get_bool
my $error_code = $cass->value_get_bool($value, $output);
Gets a bool for the specified value.
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 value_get_uuid
my $error_code = $cass->value_get_uuid($value, $output);
Gets a UUID for the specified value.
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 value_get_inet
my $error_code = $cass->value_get_inet($value, $output);
Gets an INET for the specified value.
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 value_get_string
my $error_code = $cass->value_get_string($value, $output);
Gets a string for the specified value.
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 value_get_bytes
my $error_code = $cass->value_get_bytes($value, $output);
Gets the bytes of the specified value.
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 value_get_decimal
my $error_code = $cass->value_get_decimal($value, $output);
Gets a decimal for the specified value.
Return: CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred
=head3 value_type
my $res = $cass->value_type($value);
Gets the type of the specified value.
Return: variable
=head3 value_is_null
my $res = $cass->value_is_null($value);
Returns true if a specified value is null.
Return: variable
=head3 value_primary_sub_type
my $res = $cass->value_primary_sub_type($collection);
Get the primary sub-type for a collection. This returns the sub-type for a list or set and the key type for a map.
Return: variable
=head3 value_secondary_sub_type
my $res = $cass->value_secondary_sub_type($collection);
Get the secondary sub-type for a collection. This returns the value type for a map.
Return: variable
=head2 UUID
=head3 uuid_generate_time
Generates a V1 (time) UUID.
Return: undef
=head3 uuid_from_time
$cass->uuid_from_time($time, $output);
Generates a V1 (time) UUID for the specified time.
Return: undef
=head3 uuid_min_from_time
$cass->uuid_min_from_time($time, $output);
Generates a minimum V1 (time) UUID for the specified time.
Return: undef
=head3 uuid_max_from_time
$cass->uuid_max_from_time($time, $output);
Generates a maximum V1 (time) UUID for the specified time.
Return: undef
=head3 uuid_generate_random
Generates a new V4 (random) UUID
Return: undef
=head3 uuid_timestamp
my $res = $cass->uuid_timestamp($uuid);
Gets the timestamp for a V1 UUID
Return: variable
=head3 uuid_version
my $res = $cass->uuid_version($uuid);
Gets the version for a UUID
Return: variable
=head3 uuid_string
$cass->uuid_string($uuid, $output);
Returns a null-terminated string for the specified UUID.
Return: undef
=head2 Error
=head3 error_desc
my $res = $cass->error_desc($error_code);
Gets a description for an error code.
Return: variable
=head2 Log level
=head3 log_level_string
my $res = $cass->log_level_string($log_level);
Gets the string for a log level.
Return: variable
=head2 Inet
=head3 inet_init_v4
my $res = $cass->inet_init_v4($data);
Constructs an inet v4 object.
Return: variable
=head3 inet_init_v6
my $res = $cass->inet_init_v6($data);
Constructs an inet v6 object.
Return: variable
=head2 Decimal
=head3 decimal_init
my $res = $cass->decimal_init($scale, $varint);
Constructs a decimal object. Note: This does not allocate memory. The object wraps the pointer passed into this function.
Return: variable
=head2 Bytes/String
=head3 bytes_init
my $res = $cass->bytes_init($data, $size);
Constructs a bytes object. Note: This does not allocate memory. The object wraps the pointer passed into this function.
Return: variable
=head3 string_init
my $res = $cass->string_init($string);
Constructs a string object from a null-terminated string. Note: This does not allocate memory. The object wraps the pointer passed into this function.
Return: variable
=head3 string_init2
my $res = $cass->string_init2($string, $length);
Constructs a string object. Note: This does not allocate memory. The object wraps the pointer passed into this function.
Return: variable
=head2 other
=head3 value_type_name_by_code
my $res = $cass->value_type_name_by_code($vtype);
Return: variable
=head1 DESTROY
undef $cass;
Free mem and destroy object.
=head1 AUTHOR
Alexander Borisov <lex.borisov@gmail.com>
This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Alexander Borisov.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
See libcassandra license and COPYRIGHT https://github.com/datastax/cpp-driver