Catalyst::Plugin::CookiedSession - Store sessions in a browser cookie
# in your Catalyst application:
use Catalyst qw(CookiedSession);
cookiedsession => { key => 'secretkey', expires => '+1d' },
# later on in your code
$c->session->{product} = 'foo';
my $product = $c->session->{product};
This module is a replacement module for Catalyst::Plugin::Session::* which stores the Catalyst session in a browser cookie. This has two advantages: it's easier to configure than Catalyst::Plugin::Session::* and sessions require no disk IO.
The session is encrypted using Rijndael using the key you provide in the configuration, which should be unique to your application.
More about Rijndael:
If you do not set an expires value in the configuration, then a session cookie is used. You should set a value to make the cookie persist through closing the browser: use '+1h' for one hour, '+2d' for two days, '+3M' for three months and '+4y' for four years.
Note that the cookie is limited in size to 4096 bytes. Keep your sessions very small. Alternatively please provide a patch which works along the lines of CGI::Cookie::Splitter.
Leon Brocard <>.
Copyright (C) 2008, Leon Brocard
This module is free software; you can redistribute it or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.