Changes for version 0.35 - 2005-04-02

  • added undo method which undos the last action
  • in ebug_http, using the back button in the browser actually steps backwards in the program (suggested by autrijus)
  • in ebug_http, use monikers for blessed objects and make the stack trace use a smaller font
  • in ebug, restart the program instead of exiting at the end of the program (suggested by obra)
  • in ebug_http, restart the program instead of stopping the webserver at the end of the program
  • added stack_trace_human method for a human-readable stack trace
  • pointed out ebug and ebug_http in the docs


A simple, extensible Perl debugger
A simple, extensible Perl debugger


A simple, extensible Perl debugger


in lib/Devel/
in lib/Devel/ebug/
in lib/Devel/