The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

use Moose;
use Carp;
use File::stat;
has 'account' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Net::Amazon::S3', required => 1 );
has 'bucket' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', required => 1 );
has 'creation_date' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Maybe[Str]', required => 0 );
=head1 NAME
Net::Amazon::S3::Bucket - convenience object for working with Amazon S3 buckets
use Net::Amazon::S3;
my $bucket = $s3->bucket("foo");
ok($bucket->add_key("key", "data"));
ok($bucket->add_key("key", "data", {
content_type => "text/html",
'x-amz-meta-colour' => 'orange',
# the err and errstr methods just proxy up to the Net::Amazon::S3's
# objects err/errstr methods.
$bucket->add_key("bar", "baz") or
die $bucket->err . $bucket->errstr;
# fetch a key
$val = $bucket->get_key("key");
is( $val->{value}, 'data' );
is( $val->{content_type}, 'text/html' );
is( $val->{etag}, 'b9ece18c950afbfa6b0fdbfa4ff731d3' );
is( $val->{'x-amz-meta-colour'}, 'orange' );
# returns undef on missing or on error (check $bucket->err)
is(undef, $bucket->get_key("non-existing-key"));
die $bucket->errstr if $bucket->err;
# fetch a key's metadata
$val = $bucket->head_key("key");
is( $val->{value}, '' );
is( $val->{content_type}, 'text/html' );
is( $val->{etag}, 'b9ece18c950afbfa6b0fdbfa4ff731d3' );
is( $val->{'x-amz-meta-colour'}, 'orange' );
# delete a key
ok(! $bucket->delete_key("non-exist-key"));
# delete the entire bucket (Amazon requires it first be empty)
This module represents an S3 bucket. You get a bucket object
from the Net::Amazon::S3 object.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new
Create a new bucket object. Expects a hash containing these two arguments:
=item bucket
=item account
sub _uri {
my ( $self, $key ) = @_;
return ($key)
? $self->bucket . "/" . $self->account->_urlencode($key)
: $self->bucket . "/";
sub _conf_to_headers {
my ( $self, $conf ) = @_;
$conf = {} unless defined $conf;
$conf = {%$conf}; # clone it so as not to clobber the caller's copy
if ( $conf->{acl_short} ) {
$self->account->_validate_acl_short( $conf->{acl_short} );
$conf->{'x-amz-acl'} = $conf->{acl_short};
delete $conf->{acl_short};
return $conf;
=head2 add_key
Takes three positional parameters:
=item key
=item value
=item configuration
A hash of configuration data for this key. (See synopsis);
Returns a boolean.
# returns bool
sub add_key {
my ( $self, $key, $value, $conf ) = @_;
if ( ref($value) eq 'SCALAR' ) {
$conf->{'Content-Length'} ||= -s $$value;
$value = _content_sub($$value);
} else {
$conf->{'Content-Length'} ||= length $value;
my $acl_short;
if ( $conf->{acl_short} ) {
$acl_short = $conf->{acl_short};
delete $conf->{acl_short};
my $http_request = Net::Amazon::S3::Request::PutObject->new(
s3 => $self->account,
bucket => $self->bucket,
key => $key,
value => $value,
acl_short => $acl_short,
headers => $conf,
# If we're pushing to a bucket that's under DNS flux, we might get a 307
# Since LWP doesn't support actually waiting for a 100 Continue response,
# we'll just send a HEAD first to see what's going on
if ( ref($value) ) {
return $self->account->_send_request_expect_nothing_probed($http_request);
} else {
return $self->account->_send_request_expect_nothing($http_request);
=head2 add_key_filename
Use this to upload a large file to S3. Takes three positional parameters:
=item key
=item filename
=item configuration
A hash of configuration data for this key. (See synopsis);
Returns a boolean.
sub add_key_filename {
my ( $self, $key, $value, $conf ) = @_;
return $self->add_key( $key, \$value, $conf );
=head2 copy_key
Creates (or replaces) a key, copying its contents from another key elsewhere in S3.
Takes the following parameters:
=item key
The key to (over)write
=item source
Where to copy the key from. Should be in the form C</I<bucketname>/I<keyname>>/.
=item conf
Optional configuration hash. If present and defined, the configuration (ACL
and headers) there will be used for the new key; otherwise it will be copied
from the source key.
sub copy_key {
my ( $self, $key, $source, $conf ) = @_;
my $acl_short;
if ( defined $conf ) {
if ( $conf->{acl_short} ) {
$acl_short = $conf->{acl_short};
delete $conf->{acl_short};
$conf->{'x-amz-metadata-directive'} = 'REPLACE';
} else {
$conf = {};
$conf->{'x-amz-copy-source'} = $source;
my $acct = $self->account;
my $http_request = Net::Amazon::S3::Request::PutObject->new(
s3 => $self->account,
bucket => $self->bucket,
key => $key,
value => '',
acl_short => $acl_short,
headers => $conf,
my $response = $acct->_do_http( $http_request );
my $xpc = $acct->_xpc_of_content( $response->content );
if ( !$response->is_success || !$xpc || $xpc->findnodes("//Error") ) {
$acct->_remember_errors( $response->content );
return 0;
return 1;
=head2 edit_metadata
Changes the metadata associated with an existing key. Arguments:
=item key
The key to edit
=item conf
The new configuration hash to use
sub edit_metadata {
my ( $self, $key, $conf ) = @_;
croak "Need configuration hash" unless defined $conf;
return $self->copy_key( $key, "/" . $self->bucket . "/" . $key, $conf );
=head2 head_key KEY
Takes the name of a key in this bucket and returns its configuration hash
sub head_key {
my ( $self, $key ) = @_;
return $self->get_key( $key, "HEAD" );
=head2 get_key $key_name [$method]
Takes a key name and an optional HTTP method (which defaults to C<GET>.
Fetches the key from AWS.
On failure:
Returns undef on missing content, throws an exception (dies) on server errors.
On success:
Returns a hashref of { content_type, etag, value, @meta } on success. Other
values from the server are there too, with the key being lowercased.
sub get_key {
my ( $self, $key, $method, $filename ) = @_;
$filename = $$filename if ref $filename;
my $acct = $self->account;
my $http_request = Net::Amazon::S3::Request::GetObject->new(
s3 => $acct,
bucket => $self->bucket,
key => $key,
method => $method || 'GET',
my $response = $acct->_do_http( $http_request, $filename );
if ( $response->code == 404 ) {
return undef;
my $etag = $response->header('ETag');
if ($etag) {
$etag =~ s/^"//;
$etag =~ s/"$//;
my $return;
foreach my $header ( $response->headers->header_field_names ) {
$return->{ lc $header } = $response->header($header);
$return->{content_length} = $response->content_length || 0;
$return->{content_type} = $response->content_type;
$return->{etag} = $etag;
$return->{value} = $response->content;
return $return;
=head2 get_key_filename $key_name $method $filename
Use this to download large files from S3. Takes a key name and an optional
HTTP method (which defaults to C<GET>. Fetches the key from AWS and writes
it to the filename. THe value returned will be empty.
On failure:
Returns undef on missing content, throws an exception (dies) on server errors.
On success:
Returns a hashref of { content_type, etag, value, @meta } on success
sub get_key_filename {
my ( $self, $key, $method, $filename ) = @_;
return $self->get_key( $key, $method, \$filename );
=head2 delete_key $key_name
Removes C<$key> from the bucket. Forever. It's gone after this.
Returns true on success and false on failure
# returns bool
sub delete_key {
my ( $self, $key ) = @_;
croak 'must specify key' unless defined $key && length $key;
my $http_request = Net::Amazon::S3::Request::DeleteObject->new(
s3 => $self->account,
bucket => $self->bucket,
key => $key,
return $self->account->_send_request_expect_nothing($http_request);
=head2 delete_bucket
Delete the current bucket object from the server. Takes no arguments.
Fails if the bucket has anything in it.
This is an alias for C<< $s3->delete_bucket($bucket) >>
sub delete_bucket {
my $self = shift;
croak "Unexpected arguments" if @_;
return $self->account->delete_bucket($self);
=head2 list
List all keys in this bucket.
see L<Net::Amazon::S3/list_bucket> for documentation of this method.
sub list {
my $self = shift;
my $conf = shift || {};
$conf->{bucket} = $self->bucket;
return $self->account->list_bucket($conf);
=head2 list_all
List all keys in this bucket without having to worry about
'marker'. This may make multiple requests to S3 under the hood.
see L<Net::Amazon::S3/list_bucket_all> for documentation of this method.
sub list_all {
my $self = shift;
my $conf = shift || {};
$conf->{bucket} = $self->bucket;
return $self->account->list_bucket_all($conf);
=head2 get_acl
Takes one optional positional parameter
=item key (optional)
If no key is specified, it returns the acl for the bucket.
Returns an acl in XML format.
sub get_acl {
my ( $self, $key ) = @_;
my $account = $self->account;
my $http_request;
if ($key) {
$http_request = Net::Amazon::S3::Request::GetObjectAccessControl->new(
s3 => $account,
bucket => $self->bucket,
key => $key,
} else {
$http_request = Net::Amazon::S3::Request::GetBucketAccessControl->new(
s3 => $account,
bucket => $self->bucket,
my $response = $account->_do_http($http_request);
if ( $response->code == 404 ) {
return undef;
return $response->content;
=head2 set_acl
Takes a configuration hash_ref containing:
=item acl_xml (cannot be used in conjuction with acl_short)
An XML string which contains access control information which matches
Amazon's published schema. There is an example of one of these XML strings
in the tests for this module.
=item acl_short (cannot be used in conjuction with acl_xml)
You can use the shorthand notation instead of specifying XML for
certain 'canned' types of acls.
(from the Amazon API documentation)
private: Owner gets FULL_CONTROL. No one else has any access rights.
This is the default.
public-read:Owner gets FULL_CONTROL and the anonymous principal is granted
READ access. If this policy is used on an object, it can be read from a
browser with no authentication.
public-read-write:Owner gets FULL_CONTROL, the anonymous principal is
granted READ and WRITE access. This is a useful policy to apply to a bucket,
if you intend for any anonymous user to PUT objects into the bucket.
authenticated-read:Owner gets FULL_CONTROL, and any principal authenticated
as a registered Amazon S3 user is granted READ access.
=item key (optional)
If the key is not set, it will apply the acl to the bucket.
Returns a boolean.
sub set_acl {
my ( $self, $conf ) = @_;
$conf ||= {};
my $key = $conf->{key};
my $http_request;
if ($key) {
$http_request = Net::Amazon::S3::Request::SetObjectAccessControl->new(
s3 => $self->account,
bucket => $self->bucket,
key => $key,
acl_short => $conf->{acl_short},
acl_xml => $conf->{acl_xml},
} else {
$http_request = Net::Amazon::S3::Request::SetBucketAccessControl->new(
s3 => $self->account,
bucket => $self->bucket,
acl_short => $conf->{acl_short},
acl_xml => $conf->{acl_xml},
return $self->account->_send_request_expect_nothing($http_request);
=head2 get_location_constraint
Retrieves the location constraint set when the bucket was created. Returns a
string (eg, 'EU'), or undef if no location constraint was set.
sub get_location_constraint {
my ($self) = @_;
my $http_request = Net::Amazon::S3::Request::GetBucketLocationConstraint->new(
s3 => $self->account,
bucket => $self->bucket,
my $xpc = $self->account->_send_request($http_request);
return undef unless $xpc && !$self->account->_remember_errors($xpc);
my $lc = $xpc->findvalue("//s3:LocationConstraint");
if ( defined $lc && $lc eq '' ) {
$lc = undef;
return $lc;
# proxy up the err requests
=head2 err
The S3 error code for the last error the object ran into
sub err { $_[0]->account->err }
=head2 errstr
A human readable error string for the last error the object ran into
sub errstr { $_[0]->account->errstr }
sub _content_sub {
my $filename = shift;
my $stat = stat($filename);
my $remaining = $stat->size;
my $blksize = $stat->blksize || 4096;
croak "$filename not a readable file with fixed size"
unless -r $filename and ( -f _ || $remaining );
my $fh = IO::File->new( $filename, 'r' )
or croak "Could not open $filename: $!";
return sub {
my $buffer;
# upon retries the file is closed and we must reopen it
unless ( $fh->opened ) {
$fh = IO::File->new( $filename, 'r' )
or croak "Could not open $filename: $!";
$remaining = $stat->size;
# warn "read remaining $remaining";
unless ( my $read = $fh->read( $buffer, $blksize ) ) {
# warn "read $read buffer $buffer remaining $remaining";
"Error while reading upload content $filename ($remaining remaining) $!"
if $! and $remaining;
# otherwise, we found EOF
or croak "close of upload content $filename failed: $!";
$buffer ||= ''
; # LWP expects an emptry string on finish, read returns 0
$remaining -= length($buffer);
return $buffer;
=head1 SEE ALSO