OpenFrame::Segment::Apache - Apache segments for OpenFrame 3


# tricky to explain, but mostly:
PerlHandler YourHandler


The OpenFrame::Segment::Apache distribution provides segments for OpenFrame 3 that convert from Apache requests to OpenFrame::Request objects and from OpenFrame::Response objects to produce an Apache response.

It will be demonstrated with a simple OpenFrame example which simply loads static content, OpenFrame::Example::ApacheSimple.

The following configuration should be in httpd.conf:

SetHandler  perl-script
PerlSetVar  cwd /home/website/
# PerlSetVar  debug 1
PerlHandler OpenFrame::Example::ApacheSimple

The actual handler is quite short. The important part is to set up a pipeline which has a OpenFrame::Segment::Apache::Request segment at the beginning and a OpenFrame::Segment::Apache::Response as a cleanup segment.


Leon Brocard <>


Copyright 2002 Fotango Ltd. Licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.