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CHANGES file for Parse::CPAN::Authors
2.27 Sun Jun 1 11:00:25 BST 2008
- parse the email addresses by hand (patch by Kenichi Ishigaki)
2.26 Thu May 15 10:32:24 JST 2008
- move to Email::Adress to fix names with dots (noticed by Karl Y. Pradene)
2.25 Mon May 8 13:52:29 BST 2006
- no changes, just reupload as it was somehow deleted from CPAN
2.24 Thu Sep 23 16:55:29 BST 2004
- more docs
- increased test coverage
- new tests for Pod checking & coverage
2.22 Mon Jul 5 17:10:50 BST 2004
- fix small typo in docs
- silence warnings produced by Mail::Address
- use IO::Zlib to read compressed files
2.20 Sat Mar 6 20:24:14 GMT 2004
- first release