Changes for version 1.1

  • Net::STOMP::Client::Frame: added a body_reference() method to avoid string copies when manipulating large bodies.
  • Greatly improved the overall performance (~4 times faster), mainly by reducing string copies, improving frame parsing and minimizing syscalls in the I/O layer.
  • Added several methods to Net::STOMP::Client to get better performance, see the "EFFICIENT I/O" section of the tutorial.


Getting started with STOMP and Net::STOMP::Client


STOMP object oriented client module
Debug support for Net::STOMP::Client
Error support for Net::STOMP::Client
Frame support for Net::STOMP::Client
Input/Output support for Net::STOMP::Client
Object Oriented support for Net::STOMP::Client
Peer support for Net::STOMP::Client
Protocol support for Net::STOMP::Client