# Catalog.pm configuration file
# HTML code that separates two component of the path
path_separator = /
# Label for the root of the hierarchy tree
path_root_label = <b>Root</b>
# When cgi-bin is invoked with path_info instead of regular arguments,
# pretend that these parameters were used. It must at least contain
# the name of the catalog (name=<name>) and may also contain a style, for instance.
# The id and path parameters are automaticaly calculated from the path_info.
pathcontext_params = name=urlcatalog&style=urlcatalog
# Search specifications
# Specifications for urlcatalog thematic catalog
# Search these fields
searched = urldemo.url,urldemo.comment
# Only extract these fields for display
extracted = urldemo.url,urldemo.comment,urldemo.created
# ORDER BY clause to sort the records found
order = urldemo.comment asc