Bundle::Catalog - A bundle to install all Catalog related modules
perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::Catalog'
DBI 1.08 - Database independent interface for Perl
DBD::mysql 2.0210 - mysql drivers for the Perl Database Interface (DBI)
MD5 1.7 - Perl interface to the MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm
CGI 2.46 - Simple Common Gateway Interface Class
XML::Parser 2.26 - parsing XML documents
XML::DOM 1.19 - building DOM Level 1 compliant document structures
MIME::Base64 2.11 - Encoding and decoding of base64 strings
Unicode::String 1.21 - String of Unicode characters
Unicode::Map8 0.06 - Mapping table between 8-bit chars and Unicode
Text::Query 0.07 - Query parsing and resolver framework
Text::Query::BuildSQL 0.05 - Query implementation for SQL databases
Catalog - for to get to know thyself
This bundle includes all the modules used by the Perl Catalog module.
A Bundle is a module that simply defines a collection of other modules. It is used by the CPAN module to automate the fetching, building and installing of modules from the CPAN ftp archive sites.
Loic Dachary <>