Changes for version 1.70

  • 1. Folded AceBrowser functionality into package. 2. Added GD graphics.


Object-Oriented Access to ACEDB Databases
Subroutines for AceBrowser
A dummy feature object used for generating panel key tracks
Base class for Ace::Graphics::Glyph objects
The "anchored_arrow" glyph
The "arrow" glyph
The group glyph
The "line" glyph
The "STS primers" glyph
The "discontinuous segments" glyph
Create Ace::Graphics::Glyphs
PNG graphics of Ace::Sequence::Feature objects
PNG graphics of Ace::Sequence::Feature objects
Iterate Across an ACEDB Query
use giface, tace or gifaceclient to open a local connection to an Ace database
Get information about AceDB models
Manipulate Ace Data Objects
Examine ACeDB Sequence Objects
Examine Sequence Feature Tables
Lightweight Access to Features
Gapped alignment object
Temporary Sequence Homology Class
Combine Feature Tables from Multiple Databases
Simple "Gene" Object


in Ace/Browser/
in Ace/Browser/
in Ace/Browser/
in Freesubs/
in Ace/Object/
in RPC/
in Ace/
in GFF/