Bio::Graphics::Browser2::RegionSearch -- Search through multiple databases for feature matches.
my $dbs = Bio::Graphics::Browser2::RegionSearch->new(
{ source => $data_source,
state => $session_state
my $features = $dbs->search_features({-search_term=>'sma-3'});
This implements a feature search based on the heuristics in Bio::Graphics::Browser2::Region. The search is distributed across all local and remote databases as specified in the data source.
The remainder of this document describes the methods available to the programmer.
$db = Bio::Graphics::Browser2::RegionSearch->new({opts})
Create a new RegionSearch object. Required parameters are:
Parameter Description
source The Bio::Graphics::Browser2::DataSource
object describing the local and remote
databases for this source.
state The page_settings document describing the
current state of the user session (for
looking up search options and the like in the
This method will initialize all the databases in preparation for a search. Pass it a list of track labels to search only in the databases defined by those tracks. Otherwise it will sort all tracks into local and remote ones.
$source = source()
Return the data source.
@features = $db->features(@args)
Pass @args to the underlying db adaptors' features() methods and return all matching features. Example:
@features = $db->features(-type=>'CDS')
$meta_segment = $db->segment($segment)
Given an existing segment, return a Bio::Graphics::Browser2::MetaSegment object, which behaves more or less like a regular Bio::Das::SegmentI object, but searches multiple databases. Both iterative and non-iterative feature fetching is supported.
(The class definitions for Bio::Graphics::Browser2::MetaSegment are located in the Bio/Graphics/Browser/ file.)
$found = $db->search_features($args)
This method will search all the databases for features matching the search term and will return the results as an array ref of Bio::SeqFeatureI objects. The arguments are a hash ref containing the various options passed to the db adaptors' features() method (e.g. "-type"), or a hashref with the key "-search", in which case the search term is parsed as any of gbrowse's heuristic keyword searches.
If no search term is provided, then it is taken from the "name" field of the settings object.
$found = $db->search_features_locally($args)
Search only the local databases for the term.
$found = $db->search_features_remotely($args)
Search only the remote databases for the term.
Add a gbrowse_dbid() method to each of the features in the list.
$mapper = $search->coordinate_mapper($segment,$optimize)
Create a Bio::Graphics coordinator mapper on the current segment. If optimize set to true, then features that map outside the current segment's seqid and region are nulled.
Bio::Graphics::Browser2::Region, Bio::Graphics::Browser, Bio::Graphics::Feature,
Lincoln Stein <>.
Copyright (c) 2008 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory & Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
This package and its accompanying libraries is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL (either version 1, or at your option, any later version) or the Artistic License 2.0. Refer to LICENSE for the full license text. In addition, please see DISCLAIMER.txt for disclaimers of warranty.