Business::GoCardless - Perl library for interacting with the GoCardless API (
Business::GoCardless is a library for easy interface to the gocardless payment service, it implements most of the functionality currently found in the service's API documentation:
Current missing functionality is partner account handling and webhooks, but all resource manipulation (Bill, Merchant, Payout etc) is handled along with the checking/generation of signature, nonce, param normalisation, and other such lower level interface with the API.
Please note this library is in its early stages and is subject to change. An attempt has been made to write it in such a way as to make this unlikely - it borrows heavily from the official gocardless ruby library.
You should refer to the official gocardless API documentation in conjunction with this perldoc, as the official API documentation explains in more depth some of the functionality including required / optional parameters for certain methods.
The following examples show instantiating the object and getting a resource (Bill in this case) to manipulate. For more examples see the t/002_end_to_end.t script, which can be run against the gocardless sandbox (or even live) endpoint when given the necessary ENV variables.
my $GoCardless = Business::GoCardless->new(
token => $your_gocardless_token
client_details => {
base_url => $gocardless_url, # defaults to
app_id => $your_gocardless_app_id,
app_secret => $your_gocardless_app_secret,
merchant_id => $your_gocardless_merchant_id,
# get merchant details
my $Merchant = $GoCardless->merchant;
# create URL for a one off bill (
my $new_bill_url = $GoCardless->new_bill_url(
amount => 100,
name => "Some Bill",
description => "Some Bill Description",
user => $user_hash,
redirect_uri => "https://foo/success",
cancel_uri => "https://foo/cancel",
state => "some_state_data",
# having sent the user to the $new_bill_url and them having complete it,
# we need to confirm the resource using the details sent by gocardless to
# the redirect_uri (
my $Bill = $GoCardless->confirm_resource(
resource_uri => $uri,
resource_type => 'bill', # in the above case
resource_id => $bill_id,
signature => $signature,
state => "some_state_data",
# get a specfic Bill
$Bill = $GoCardless->bill( $id );
# cancel the bill
# too late? maybe we should refund instead
# or maybe it failed?
$Bill->retry if $Bill->failed;
# get a list of Bill objects (filter optional:
my @bills = $GoCardless->bills( %filter );
# on any resource object:
my %data = $Bill->to_hash;
my $json = $Bill->to_json;
Any problems or errors will result in a Business::GoCardless::Exception object being thrown, so you should wrap any calls to the library in the appropriate error catching code (TryCatch in the below example):
use TryCatch;
try {
my $Pager = $GoCardless->bills;
while( my @bills = $Pager->next ) {
foreach my $Bill ( @bills ) {
catch ( Business::GoCardless::Exception ) {
# error specific to Business::GoCardless
say $e->message; # error message
say $e->code; # HTTP status code
say $e->response; # HTTP status message
catch ( $e ) {
# some other failure?
Any methods marked as pager have a dual interface, when called in list context they will return the first 100 resource objects, when called in scalar context they will return a Business::GoCardless::Paginator object allowing you to iterate through all the objects:
# get a list of L<Business::GoCardless::Bill> objects
# (filter optional:
my @bills = $GoCardless->bills( %filter );
# or using the Business::GoCardless::Paginator object:
my $Pager = $GoCardless->bills;
while( my @bills = $Pager->next ) {
foreach my $Bill ( @bills ) {
Your gocardless API token, this attribute is required.
Hash of gocardless client details, passed to Business::GoCardless::Client.
base_url => $gocardless_url, # defaults to
app_id => $your_gocardless_app_id,
app_secret => $your_gocardless_app_secret,
merchant_id => $your_gocardless_merchant_id,
The client object, defaults to Business::GoCardless::Client.
Common Methods
Methods not tied to any particular resource.
Confirm a resource.
my $Bill = $GoCardless->confirm_resource(
resource_uri => $uri,
resource_type => 'bill',
resource_id => $bill_id,
signature => $signature,
state => "some_state_data",
Bill Methods
See Business::GoCardless::Bill for more information on Bill operations.
Create a URL for generating a one off bill:
my $new_bill_url = $GoCardless->new_bill_url(
amount => 100,
Get a Business::GoCardless::Bill object for a specific bill.
my $Bill = $GoCardless->bill( $id );
bills (pager)
Get a list of Bill objects (%filter is optional).
my @bills = $GoCardless->bills( %filter );
Merchant Methods
See Business::GoCardless::Merchant for more information on Merchant operations.
Get object that represents you (Merchant)
my $Merchant = $GoCardless->merchant;
payouts (pager)
Get a list of Business::GoCardless::Payout objects.
my @payouts = $GoCardless->payouts;
Payout Methods
See Business::GoCardless::Payout for more information on Payout operations.
Get a Business::GoCardless::Payout object for a specific payout.
my $Payout = $GoCardless->payout( $id );
PreAuthorization Methods
See Business::GoCardless::PreAuthorization for more information on PreAuthorization operations.
Create a URL for generating a pre_authorization.
my $new_pre_auth_url = $GoCardless->new_pre_authorization_url(
max_amount => 100,
interval_length => 10,
interval_unit => 'day',
Get a Business::GoCardless::PreAuthorization object for a specific pre_authorization.
my $PreAuth = $GoCardless->pre_authorization( $id );
pre_authorizations (pager)
Get a list of Business::GoCardless::PreAuthorization objects.
my @pre_auths = $GoCardless->pre_authorizations;
Subscription Methods
See Business::GoCardless::Subscription for more information on Subscription operations.
Create a URL for generating a subscription.
my $new_pre_auth_url = $GoCardless->new_subscription_url(
amount => 100,
interval_length => 1,
interval_unit => 'month',
Get a Business::GoCardless::Subscription object for a specific subscription.
my $Subscription = $GoCardless->subscription( $id );
subscriptions (pager)
Get a list of Business::GoCardless::Subscription objects.
my @subs = $GoCardless->subscriptions;
User Methods
See Business::GoCardless::User for more information on User operations.
users (pager)
Get a list of Business::GoCardless::User objects.
my @users = $GoCardless->users;
Lee Johnson -
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. If you would like to contribute documentation, features, bug fixes, or anything else then please raise an issue / pull request: