Revision history for Business-GoCardless
0.21 2017-06-09
Fix add missing module to MANIFESt
0.20 2017-06-09
Fix add missing module to MANIFESt
0.19 2017-06-08
Fix documentation typos
Fix VERSION confusion by moving $Business::GoCardless::VERSION
into the main module to avoid parts of the cpan(m|ts) toolchain
getting confused
0.18 2017-06-06
Fix documentation typos
0.17 2017-06-06
Add support for some functionality in the v2 (Pro) API
Add classes and tests to support the v2 (Pro) API
Add Business::GoCardless::Upgrading to document upgrade steps
0.16 2016-09-29
Clarify the version of the GoCardless API this dist works with
0.15 2016-09-28
Fix is_pre_authorization and is_subscription in B::G::Webhook
as previously they were the wrong way around
0.14 2016-05-22
Kwalitee improvements
0.13 2016-05-17
Transfer repo from G3S to Humanstate
0.12 2015-10-21
Move github repo to Humanstate org
0.11 2015-04-02
Documentation clarification regarding which API version this lib
is for (as GoCardless are working on Basic v2 BETA and Pro APIs)
0.10 2014-12-01
Documentation and distribution tweaks
0.09 2014-09-17
Document the confirmation of webhooks
0.08 2014-09-16
POD updates
0.07 2014-09-16
0.06 2014-09-10
Replace use of TryCatch with Try::Tiny in tests
0.05 2014-09-06
Kwalitee improvements in distribution
0.04 2014-09-06
fix test failures for checking JSON boolean values
0.03 2014-09-04
Correct links in perldoc
0.02 2014-09-04
Remove dependency on Mojo::JSON in a couple of tests
Fix use of undef as an ARRAY in Utils::normalize_params
0.01 2014-09-04
First release