Changes for version 4.08 - 2014-10-18

    • with this release the large backlog of issues against has been cleared. All fixes have been made in the versions 4.00 and above so if you are upgrading from 3.* you should thoroughly test your code against recent versions of
    • an effort has been made to retain back compatibility against previous versions of for any fixes made, however some changes related to the handling of temporary files may have consequences for your code
    • please refer to the RELEASE NOTES for version 4.00 and above for all recent changes and file an issue on github if there has been a regression.
    • please do *NOT* file issues regarding HTML generating functions, these are no longer being maintained (see perldoc for rational)
    • note that calling headers without a -charset may lead to a nonsensical charset being added to certain content types due to the default and the workaround
    • remove documentation stating that calls to escapeHTML with a changed charset force numeric encoding of all characters, because that does not happen
    • documentation tweaks for calling param() in list context and the addition of multi_param()
    • don't sub out PATH_INFO in url if PATH_INFO is the same as SCRIPT_NAME (RT #89827)
    • add multi_param() method to allow calling of param() in list context without having to disable the $LIST_CONTEXT_WARN flag (see RELEASE NOTES for version 4.05 on why calling param() in list context could be a bad thing)


Handle Common Gateway Interface requests and responses
CGI routines for writing to the HTTPD (or other) error log
Interface to HTTP Cookies
module to produce nicely formatted HTML code
Simple Interface to Server Push
Internal utilities used by CGI module


in lib/CGI/File/
in lib/
in lib/