Exporter::Proxy - Simplified symbol export & proxy dispatch.
package My::Module;
use Exporter::Proxy qw( foo Bar );
# at this point users of My::Module will get
# *My::Module::foo and *My::Module::Bar
# installed.
# My::Module also gets an 'exports' method
# that lists the exported items; array refs
# are exported as copies by value.
my @exported = My::Module->exports;
my $object = My::Module->construct;
my $exported = $object->exports;
package Some::Other;
use My::Module qw( foo ); # only exports foo
use My::Module qw( Bar ); # only exports Bar
use My::Module qw( bar ); # croaks, 'bar' is not exported.
# caller can specify the items to export by
# name -- not type. foo might be used as a
# subroutine, Bar as an array, or foo may
# be overloaded with &foo, %foo, @foo, $foo.
$value ~~ @Bar
or croak "Invalid '$value'";
delete $foo{ somekey }
or croak "Oops: foo is missing 'somekey'";
my $bletch = $foo || 'oops, no $foo';
# if the caller does not want to export
# anything from the module when it is used,
# ":noexport" does just that.
use My::Module qw( :noexport );
# there are times when it is easier to use
# a dispatcher for things like service classes
# than to pollute the caller's namespace with
# all of the available methods.
use Exporter::Proxy qw( dispatch=do_something );
# at this point 'do_something' is installed in
# My::Module. it splices out the second
# argument, uses My::Module->can( $name ) to
# check if the module has the service availble
# and then dispatches to it via goto.
# My::Module->exports will include the dispatcher,
# in the last example it will have only the
# dispatcher since no other names were included.
# now modules use-ing this one look like:
use My::Module;
my $object = My::Module->construct;
$object->do_something( foo => @foo_args );
my @test_these = $object->exports;
my $test_ref = $objeect->exports;
# @test_these will be qw( do_something )
# $test_ref will be an arrayref of a
# copy of the exported values (i.e.,
# modifying $test_ref does not affect
# the exported items.
This installs 'import' and 'exports' subroutines into the callers namespace. The 'import' does the usual deed: exporting symbols by name; 'exports' simplifies introspection by listing the exported symbols (useful for testing).
The optional "dispather=name" argument is used to install a dispatcher. This allows the module to offer a variety of services without polluting the caller's namespace with too many of them. All it does is check for $module->can( $name ) and goto &$handler if the module can handle the request.
Public Interface
- import
The arguments to this are the symbol names to export with an optional "dispatch=<name>" for installing the dispatcher.
The import extracts the exported symbols, adding the dispatcher's name to the list if necessary, and then installs import, exports, and the dispathcher as necessary.
Installed methods
- import
With no arguments the import uses the original exports list, pushing all of the symbols into the caller's space.
The optional argument ':noexport' short-circuts export of any symbols to the caller's space.
Other than ':noexport' any arguments with leading colons are silently ignored by import.
Anything without a leading colon is assumed to be a name, and is checked againsed the exports list. If it is on the list then the caller's $name symbol is aliased to the source module's.
Note that this is not a copy-by-value into the caller's space, it is aliaing via the symbol table.
my $dest = qualify_to_ref $name, $caller; my $src = qualify_to_ref $name, $source; *$dest = *$src;
Callers modifying their copy of the item will be modifiying a global copy.
Aside: Once read-only references are avaialble then they will be an option.
- exports
Mainly for testing, calling:
returns an array[ref] copy of the exported names.
- dispatcher (optional)
When exporting a large number of symbols is problematic, a dispatcher can be installed instead. This splices off the second argument, checks that the module can perform the name, and does a goto.
Calls to the dispatcher look like:
$module->$dispatcher( $name => @name_argz );
The dispatcher splices $name off the stack, checks that $module->can( $name ) (or $object can), croaks if it cannot or does a goto &$handler.
Note that the dispatcher can only be exported once: the last dispatch=name will be the only one installed.
For example:
package Query::Services; use Exporter::Proxy qw( dispatch=query ); sub lookup { ... } sub modify { ... } sub insert_returning { ... }
allows the caller to:
use Query::Services; # caller now can 'query', which can dispatch # calls to lookup, modify, and insert_returning. __PACKAGE__->query( modify => $sql, @argz ); $object->query( lookup => @lookup_argz );
A more general use of this is combining a number of service classes with a single 'dispatcher' class that users others. In this case various separate My::Query::* modules help break up what would otherwise be a monstrosity into manageable chunks. They can use fairly short names that are obvious in context becuase the names only propagate up to My::Query.
My::Query can even use "if" to limit the number of services available (e.g., only packages that already have an 'IsSafe' method have the modify calls available.
package My::Query::Handle;
use Exporter::Proxy
# implementations...
package My::Query::Lookup
use Exporter::Proxy
package My::Query::Modify
use Exporter::Proxy
# all this needs is to install a dispatcher
# and pull in the modules that implement the
# methods it dispatches into.
package My::Query;
use Exporter::Proxy qw( dispatch=query );
use My::Query::Handle;
use My::Query::Lookup;
use if $::can_modify, 'My::Query::Modify';
# the object class use-ing My::Query gets a
# "query" method without having its namespace
# polluted with "insert", "modify", etc.
use My::Query;
$object->query( lookup => $sql, @valz );
Simple Test
The exports method provides a simple technique for baseline testing of modules: check that they can be used and actually can do what they've claimed to export.
Say your tests are standardized as '00-Module-Name-Here.t'.
use Test::More;
use File::Basename;
# whatever your naming convention is,
# munge it into a package name.
my $madness = basename $0, '.t';
$madness =~ s/^ \d+ - //;
$madness =~ s/-/::/g;
use_ok $madness;
my @methodz =
ok $madness->can( $_ ), "$madness can '$_'"
for @methodz;
Symlink this to whatever modules you need testing and "prove t/00*.t" will give a quick, standard first pass as to whether they compile and are minimally usable.
Steven Lembark <>
Copyright (C) 2009 Workhorse Computing. This code is released under the same terms as Perl 5.10.0, or any later version of Perl, itself.