FindBin::Bin - Find the executin directory, exported via BIN()


# if $0 is '-e' or '-' or 'interactive' then use the
# working directory via File::Spec::Functions::curdir.
# otherwise use vol+directory of $0.
# the path is extracted once at startup to avoid
# issues with assignment to $0.

# there you have it: $Bin is the path.

use FindBin::Bin qw( $Bin );

# sub call, sans $:
# Bin is defines w/ no args and returns a constant string, 
# it can be used as a sub or constant in your code. 

use FindBin::Bin qw(  Bin );

my $path = Bin;

# Or, of course, both:

use FindBin::Bin qw( $Bin Bin );

say $Bin;

say Bin;