LinkedList::Single - singly linked list manager.
# generate the list with one value from @_ per node
# in a single pass.
my $listh = LinkedList::Single->new( @one_datum_per_node );
# generate an empty list.
my $listh = LinkedList::Single->new;
# each node can have multiple data values.
$listh->push( @multiple_data_in_a_single_node );
# extract the data from the current node.
my @data = $listh->data;
# save and restore a node position
my $curr = $listh->node;
# do something and restore the node.
$list->node( $curr );
# note the lack of "pop", it is simply too
# expensive with singly linked lists. for
# a stack use unsift and shift; for a que
# use push and shift (or seriously consider
# using arrays, which are a helluva lot more
# effective for the purpose).
$list->push( @node_data );
my @node_data = $list->shift; # array of values
my $node_data = $list->shift; # arrayref
# these manipulate the head node directly
# and to not modify the current list.
$listh->unshift( @new_head_node_data );
my @data = $listh->shift;
# sequences of pushes are effecient for adding
# longer lists.
my $wcurve = LinkedList::Single->new;
while( my $base = substr $dna, 0, 1, '' )
$wcurve->push( $r, $a, ++$z );
# reset to the start-of-list.
# hide extra data in the head node.
$wcurve->set_meta( $z, $species );
# extra data can come back as a list
# or arrayref.
my ( $size ) = $wcurve->get_meta;
# walk down the list examining each item until
# the tail is reached.
# unlike Perl's each there is no internal
# mechanism for re-setting the current node,
# if you don't call head $listh->each returns
# immediatley.
while( my @data = $listh->each )
# play with the data
# duplicate a list handler, reset it to the
# start-of-list.
if( $some_test )
# $altlist starts out with the same node
# as $listh, call to next does not affect
# $listh.
my $altlist = $listh->clone;
my @data = $altlist->next->data;
# for those do-it-yourselfers in the crowd:
my $node = $listh->head_ref;
while( @$node )
# advance the node and extract the data
# in one step.
( $node, @data ) = @$node;
# process @data...
# if you prefer OO...
# $listh->each returns each value in order then
# returns false. one catch: in a list context
# this will return equally false for an empty
# node as the end-of-list.
# in a scalar context each returns false for the
# end-of-list and an empty arrayref for a node.
while( my $data = $listh->each )
# deal with @$data
# if you *know* the nodes are never empty
while( my @data = $listh->each )
# deal with @data
# note that $listh->next->data may be empty
# even if there are mode nodes due to a node
# having no data.
$listh->add( @new_data );
my @old_data = $listh->cut;
# $listh->head->cut is slower version of shift.
Singly-linked list managed via ref-to-scalar.
Nodes on the list are ref-to-next followed by arbitrary -- and possibly empty -- user data:
my $node = [ $next, @user_data ].
The list handler can reference the list contents via double-dollar. For example, walking the list uses:
$$listh = $$list->[0]
this allows $listh to be blessed and use inside- out data structures while the nodes are un-blessed.
Steven Lembark <>
Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Steven Lembark.
This code can be used under the same terms as Perl-5.10.1 itself.