Object::Wrapper::Fork -- Practice safe forks: use a hat.
pacakge My;
# parent is lighter weight than base if it
# is available.
use parent qw( Object::Wrapper::Fork );
sub cleanup
# validate
my ( $object, $pid ) = @_;
if( $pid == $$ )
# clean up within same process
# clean up post-fork.
sub new
# build the object Your Way.
# Object::Wrapper::Fork supplies the pid
# ($$) when wrapping and AUTOLOAD to
# validate it againsed the current pid.
my $object = UnforkSafe->new( @blah );
__PACKAGE__->SUPER::new( $object )
Use Safe Forks: Wear a hat.
Any number of modules cannot gracefully handle re-use across forks. This module provides a simple wrapper that re-validates the pid on calls and calls a cleanup handler with the original PID when destroyed.
The bulk of the work is done in AUTOLOAD, which re-validates the pid and passes the original object by reference for each call made (i.e., modifications to the object via $_[0] are propagated).
DESTROY calls the wrapped object with its original pid, which can be compared to $$ for appropriate behavior. Passing the PID pback can simplify logging messages or help packages that track PID's.
- new
This takes a reference to the object or package being wrapped and returns the wrapper. It would normaly be called from the wrapped objects constructor:
sub Your::Constructor { my $proto = shift; my $thingy = $madness->$method( @argz ); $proto->SUPER::new( $thingy ) }
- Tied Objects
This will not handle tied objects gracefully. If you're into BSDM then you're out of luck here. Sorry.
- Object::Wrapper
Generic constructor takes list of arguments added to the object for validation by its AUTOLOAD and cleanup methods.
- Object::Wrapper::Fork::DBI
Fork wrapper for DBI database handles. Supplies a "connect" method and cleanup handler for dealing with CackedKids and InactiveDestroy vs. finish/disconnect.
Steven Lembark <>
Copyright (C) 2009 Steven Lembark. This module is released under the same terms as Perl-5.10.0 itself.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 139:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'