Kephra - crossplatform, CPAN-installable GUI-Texteditor along perllike Paradigms


> kephra [<files>]   # start with certain files open


This module install's a complete editor application with all its configs and documentation for your programming, web and text authoring.


I know, i know, there are plenty text editors out there, even some really mighty IDE, but still no perfect solution for many Programmer. So lets learn from Perl what it takes to build a tool thats powerful and fun to play with for hours and months.

* make a low entry barrier * copy what people like and are used to * give choices (Timtowtdi) * (e.g. deliver vi and emacs input style) * usable with mouse and keyboard commands and menus * configure via dialog and yaml/conf files ...

Furthermore i made some design decisions that should define Kephra:

* beautiful, well crafted GUI with own Icons * everything is optional / configurable * solve things with minimal effort (no bloat / minimal dependencies) * turn CPAN into a IDE and provide just the glue

I believe strongly that there is much more possible with GUI editors and text editors in general than we are used today. So I try to design Kephra in a way, that every programmer can alter and extend it easily. That can speed up progress or at least makes Kephra more comfortable for you.

That is the plan, but we are currently not nearly that far.


Beside all the basic stuff that would you expect from a notepad, we have file sessions, simple templates, recent closed files, and file functions applied to all files, where it makes sense.

We have also a pile of advanced text navigation (on braces or blockwise), goto last edit or 10 doc spanning Bookmarks as well as find in files.

Advanced undo, line editing (edit functions that take the current line as input), move selected text by mouse or keyboard. Formating funtions like blockformat, align blocks, indenting, commenting ...

Documents have several properties like syntax styling, auto indention, tab width, tab use, write protection.

View options contain switches for any GUI element and marker for: current line, end of line bytes, right margin, indetion guides, bracehiglighting, line wrap and font.

Every menu and toolbar is evaluated from a simple yaml file, so you can change it easily by opening this files from the config menu.


Stable Release 0.4

This release is about getting the editor liquid or highly configurable. Its also about improvements in the user interface and of course the little things we missed. And its about time that it will released so that can we can concentrate more on features for coding support.

Stable Release 0.5

Things like output panel, code folding, snippet lib, help integration, autocompletition and so on. Hope that by the end of 0.4.n series will be the extention API stable.


Bugs should be reported via the CPAN bug tracker at

For other issues, contact the author.

More info and resources you find on our sourceforge web page under:


* Herbert Breunung <> (main author)

* Jens Neuwerk <> (author of icons, GUI advisor)

* Adam Kennedy <> (cpanification)


This Copyright applies only to the "Kephra" Perl software distribution, not the icons bundled within.

Copyright 2004 - 2008 Herbert Breunung.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU GPL.

The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.