Perl6::Overview::Rule - Grammar Rules
Match object
$/ -- can be accessed as an array of sub-matches, e.g. $/[0], $/[1] ...
-- can be accessed as a hash of named subrules, e.g. $/<foo>
$0, $1, $2, ... -- aliases for $/[0], $/[1], $/[2], ...
Context Behaviour
String Stringifies to entire match
Number The numeric value of the matched string (i.e. given
"foo123bar"~~/\d+/, then $/ in numeric context will be 123)
Boolean True if success, false otherwise
: Prevents backtracking over previous atom
:: Fails entire group if previous atom is backtracked over
::: Fails entire rule if previous atom is backtracked over
Also <commit> and <cut> (see below).
Used as adverbial modifiers:
"foO bar" ~~ m:s:ignorecase:g/[o | r] ./
and can appear within rules
sub rule { <foo> [:i <bar>] } # only ignore <bar>'s case
:b :basechar Match base char ignoring accents and such
:bytes Match individual bytes
:c, :continue Start scanning from string's current .pos
:codes Match individual codepoints
:ex, :exhaustive Match every possible way (including overlapping)
:g, :global Find all non-overlapping matches
:graphs Match individual graphemes
:i, :ignorecase Ignore letter case
:keepall Force rule and all subrules to remember everything
:chars Match maximally abstract characters allowed by pragma
:nth(N) Find Nth occurrence. N is an integer; you can
also use 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, as well as 1th, 2th.
(junctions allowed, e.g. :nth(1|2|3|5).)
:once Only match first time
:p, :pos Only try to match at string's current .pos
:perl5 Use Perl 5 syntax for regex
:ov, :overlap Match at all possible character positions, including
overlapping; return all matches in list context,
disjunction in item context
:rw Claim string for modification, instead of copy-on-write
:s, :sigspace Replaces every sequence of literal whitespace in
pattern with \s+ or \s* according to <?ws> rule
:x(N) Repetition -- find N times (N is an integer)
[:ex vs :ov could use clarification. see ]
[re :s, except where there is already an explicit space rule]
Built-in assertions
'...' Matches ... as a literal string
"..." Matches ... as a literal string (after interpolation)
<sp> Matches a literal space
<ws> Matches any sequence of whitespace, like the :s modifier
<wb> Matches any word boundary (Perl 5's \b semantics)
<dot> Matches a literal . (same as '.')
<lt> Matches a literal < (same as '<')
<gt> Matches a literal > (same as '>')
<prior> Match whatever the most recent successful match did
<after pattern> Matches only after pattern (zero-width)
<before pattern> Matches only before pattern (zero-width)
<commit> Fails the entire match if backtracked over
<cut> Fails the entire match if backtracked over,
and removes the portion of the string matched until then
<fail> Fails the entire match if reached
<null> Matches null string
<ident> Matches an "identifier", same as
([ [<alpha> | _] \w* | " [<alpha>|_] \w* " ])
<self> Matches the same pattern as the current rule
(useful for recursion)
<!XXX> Zero width assertion that XXX *doesn't* match at
this location
<alnum> Alphanumeric character
<alpha> Alphabetic character
<ascii> ASCII character
<blank> Horizontal whitespace ([ \t])
<cntrl> Control character
<digit> Numeric character
<graph> An alphanumeric character or punctuation
<lower> Lowercase character
<print> Printable character -- alphanumeric, punctuation or
<space> Whitespace character ([\s\ck])
<upper> Uppercase character
<word> Word character (alphanumeric + _)
<xdigit> Hexadecimal digit
Named rules are stored in the match object unless the rule name is
prefixed with a ?
/<?item> <quantity> <price>/
would store values in $/{'quantity'} and $/{'price'} but not $/{'item'}
Character classes
<[abcd]> Matches one of the characters a,b,c, or d. Ranges
may be used as <[a..z]>. Can be combined with +
and - like so: <[a..z]-[m..p]> (which is the same
as <[a..l]+[q..z]>)
<-XXX> Matches XXX as a negated character class. For
instance, <-alpha> would match one non-alpha
character. May also be combined as above.
(<-alpha+[qrst]> will match any non-alpha character
and the characters q,r,s, and t)
<+XXX> Matches XXX as a character class. <+alpha> matches
one alpha character.
[This does not seem to match S05. Which one is wrong?]
Hypothetical variables
Assign value to variable only if entire pattern succeeds.
Syntax: let $foo = value
my $x;
/ (\S*) { let $x = .pos } \s* foo /
let $foo = $1
$foo := $1
my $x;
/ $x := (\S*) \s* foo /
Can use arrays:
/ @x := [ (\S+) \s* ]* /
# returns anonymous list in item context for *, +, **{n,m}:
/ $x := [ (\S+) \s* ]* /
# ? does not pluralize -- result or undef
/ %x := [ (\S+)\: \s* (.*) ]* / # key/value pairs
# $0 = list of keys
# $1 = list of values
/ %x := [ (\S+) \s* ]* / # capture only keys, values = undef
Can capture return values of closures:
/ $x := { "Item context" } /
/ @x := { "List", "context" } /
/ %x := { "Hash" => "context" } /
# note: no parens around closure
Reorder paren groups:
/ $1 := (.*?), \h* $0 := (.*) /
# renumbering occurs
/ $2 := (.*?), \h* (.*) / # $3 = (.*)
Relative to current location: $-1, $-2, $-3...
Named subrules:
/ <key>\: <value> { let $hash{$<key>} = $<value> } /