Tie::Wx::Widget - get and set main value of a Wx widget with less syntax and more magic


use Tie::Wx::Widget;

tie $tiedwidget, Tie::Wx::Widget, $widget;

$tiedwidget = 7;       # instead of $widgetref->SetValue(7);

say $tiedwidget;       # instead of say $widgetref->GetValue;

untie $tiedwidget;     # now $tiedwidget is a normal scalar again (not required)


Often are the widget values coupled with each other. For instance in App::Spirograph is a slider which max value is dependent on the value of another slider. Once you know this, why keep track of it and change the range by hand any given time?

tie $tslider, Tie::Wx::Widget, $slider, 
    sub { $[0]->SetValue($[1]); $subslider->SetRange(1, $[1]) };

The first parameter to the callback is always the Wx object reference, the assign callback gets also a second with the assigned value. Own callbacks replace the the ones set by default.

The complete parameter list is is:

tie $tw, Tie::Wx::Widget, $widget, [&$do_when_assign, &$do_when_retrieve];

Yes, its also doable with events, but thats also more syntax than this. Plus, its different Event for many widgets, why remember this? Plus, a tied widget still gives you the freedom to change the value under the radar. See section INTERNALS for more.


Your program will die, if you don't provide a proper Wx widget, that has a GetValue and SetValue method, or the callbacks are no coderef. Unless you init with:

use Tie::Wx::Widget 'warn_mode';

or do later:


Then will be called warn instead of die. But you can switch anytime back with:


Wich has only effect for all variables tied afterwards. Because if the Wx ref is not good, there will be no tying anyway.


# how to get a reference to the Tie::Wx::Widget object ?
$tieobject = tie $tiedwidget, Tie::Wx::Widget, $widget;
$tieobject = tied $tiedwidget;

# now you even can:
# aka:
# or do any other method on the wx object
# works too (hides the widget)

# doesn't do anything


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-tie-wx-widget at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Tie::Wx::Widget

You can also look for information at:


This was solely my idea before Linuxtag 2011. Started as a slide for it.


Herbert Breunung, <lichtkind at>


Copyright 2011 Herbert Breunung.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.