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=head1 NAME
use MYDan::ReservedSpace::File;
MYDan::ReservedSpace::File::dump( 'path/file', \%hash );
my $hash = MYDan::ReservedSpace::File::load( 'path/file' );
use strict;
use Carp;
use Fcntl qw( :flock );
use MYDan;
sub dump
die "file undef" unless my $file = shift;
if( $ENV{UseReservedSpace} )
die "no ReservedSpace" unless _space( $file );
YAML::XS::DumpFile( "$MYDan::PATH/tmp/$file", @_ );
sub load
die "file undef" unless my $file = shift;
YAML::XS::LoadFile( "$MYDan::PATH/tmp/$file" );
sub unlink
die "file undef" unless my $file = shift;
unlink "$MYDan::PATH/tmp/$file";
sub filename
die "file undef" unless my $file = shift;
return "$MYDan::PATH/tmp/$file";
sub _space
my ( $file, $fh ) = shift;
open( $fh, ">>", "$MYDan::PATH/var/ReservedSpace/lock" ) or die "Can't open lock: $!";
die "lock fail" unless flock $fh, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB;
for ( glob "$MYDan::PATH/var/ReservedSpace/*" )
next unless $_ =~ /\/(\d+)$/;
my $id = $1;
next unless _rsok( $_ );
die "ln fail" if system( "ln '$MYDan::PATH/var/ReservedSpace/$id' '$MYDan::PATH/tmp/$file'" );
die "clean fail" if system( "echo > '$MYDan::PATH/tmp/$file'" );
flock $fh, LOCK_UN;
close $fh;
return 1;
flock $fh, LOCK_UN;
close $fh;
return 0;
sub _rsok
my $file = shift;
return ( $file && -f $file && ( stat $file )[3] == 1 ) ? 1 : 0;