Changes for version 0.10.6 - 2009-11-12
- Perl::Tidy 20090616 passes
- Added Test::NoWarnings to tests
- Build dist benchmarks more automated, support for new Sys::Info
- Agrep back-end: check if agrep is TRE in search(), not new()
- use autodie instead of Fatal
- Bugfixes: Fix Warning with Bioperl 1.6.1 (thanks Jeremy)
Perl extension for searching in DNA and Protein sequences
Agrep back-end
Superclass for all back-ends
GUUGle back-end
Perl Regular Expression back-end
Vmatch back-end
Superclass for all filter modules
Example Filter
Superclass for all Bio::Grep* packages
Data structure for a back-end search hit
Data structure for all search settings