Revision history for Perl extension Bio::Grep.
0.5.0 Sat Mar 23 17:34:20 2007
- POD improvements
- different values for upstream and downstream in GUUGle
- did not throw an exception if alphabet file was missing
- database generation in bgrep broken
- more tests
0.4.0 Fri Mar 23 15:59:00 2007
- hxdrop, exdrop flags for vmatch
- more tests
- POD improvements
- long queries in vmatch broken
0.3.0 Thu Mar 12 15:49:19 2007
- POD improvements
- Filter broken with GUUGle
- more tests
0.2.0 Thu Mar 11 15:16:39 2007
- POD improvements
- small bgrep improvements
- more tests
- GUUGle: upstream/downstream with query_file broken
0.1.0 Thu Mar 09 18:58:09 2007
- POD improvements
- more tests
- small bgrep improvements
- upstream and downstream in GUUGle broken
- maxhits in GUUGle broken
- test searches for EMBOSS
0.0.4 Thu Mar 08 21:34:17 2007
- forgot to include perlcritic test and 00.checkprereq
- POD improvements
- Cleanup: removed unnecessary use lines
- switched to Data::Dumper for settings->to_string()
- more tests
- Vmatch did not calculate query_length if complete(0)
- GUUGle: reverse_complement was switched (revcom(1) was revcom(0)
and vice versa).
- Agrep: did not store $res->query
0.0.3 Wed Mar 07 15:13:26 2007
- POD improvements
- more tests (Devel::Cover)
- Vmatch now throws an exception if showdesc + upstream instead of
just a warning
- skip tests if bioperl and/or bioperl-run is not found
0.0.2 Thu Mar 06 01:03:43 2007
- POD improvements
- bgrep did not accept -man and -help
0.0.1 Thu Mar 05 15:26:11 2007
first public release on cpan
- renamed to Bio::Grep (from Weigel::Search)
- added backend GUUGle
- added bgrep
- POD improvements
- renamed querylength to query_length
- added feature to specify settings in search call