DesignPattern::DispatchTable - Implementation of a reusable versatile dispatch table.
Version 0.01
This module implements the DispatchTable design pattern, for code reuse, readability, organisation, better coding style, and fun.
use DesignPattern::DispatchTable;
my $dispatch_table = DesignPattern::DispatchTable;
$dispatch_table->register( $string => $code_ref );
$dispatch_table->register( qr{regexp?} => $code_ref );
# Or even
my $dispatch_table = DesignPattern::DispatchTable(
$string => $code_ref,
qr{regexp?} => $code_ref
# and then you might call:
$dispatch_table->call($argument); # calls the first matching method
Constructor. Returns a new Dispatch Table. Accepts an optional list of $condition => $code_ref
pairs to be installed in the Dispatch Table.
Register accepts one or more pairs of $condition => $code_ref
and install them in the Dispatch Table. Returns a true value if all values were installed successfuly (i.e., there is no invalid values as key and all keys have a proper code reference to go with it).
New versions of handlers (and corresponding decision code) are installed in the beginining of the list. This makes for an implicit guarantee of reverse order: I will always check first for the latest installed (decision, handlers) code pairs.
Call receives one or more values on which to make a decision about, and calls the first matching decision on the values. If the decision was made with a regular expression, it also arranges so the captured values are passed to the code reference registered.
TODO: in case we allow passing in subroutines as decision making processes, we should consider passing in the return value from the decision sub to the call handler.
Obtains the code for the given argument, and returns it. Used internally to fetch the code handler bound to a specific (code|string|regex) in the dispatch table.
Luis Motta Campos, <lmc at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-designpattern-dispatchtable at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you' ll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes .
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc DesignPattern::DispatchTable
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Copyright 2009 Luis Motta Campos, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.