Net::Whois::RIPE - a pure-Perl implementation of the RIPE Database client.


Version 2.00_009 - BETA


This is a complete rewrite of version 1.31 of the module, which I inherited from Paul Gampe during the time I've worked for the RIPE NCC, between Nov 2007 and Feb 2010.

It intends to provide a cleaner, simpler, and complete implementation of a RIPE Database client.

The usage should remain mostly the same:

use Net::Whois::RIPE;

my $whois = Net::Whois::RIPE->new( %options );
$iterator = $whois->query( 'AS333' );

Of course, comments are more than welcome. If you believe you can help, please do not hesitate in contacting me.


I've choose to break backwards compatibility with older versions of the Net::Whois::RIPE module for several different reasons. I will try to explain and justify them here, as design documentation. I will also strive to provide practical solutions for porting problems, if any.


The old module provided it's own Iterator implementation. This was common practice 10 years ago, when the module was initially written. I believe Perl has a stable and useful standard implementation of Iterators now, and adopted it instead of maintaining my own. This allows me to reduce the necessary code base without losing features.

Query Options

From release 2.0 onwards, Net::Whois::RIPE will allow almost all query options understanded by the RIPE Database Server. I bumped in the lack of options myself, sometimes, and I believe other programmers can also use the extra features offered.

There are nice, sane defaults provided for most of the options. This should make it possible for a beginner to just ignore all options and settings and still be able to make some use of the module.

Memory Footprint

I had the intention of reducing the memory footprint of this module when doing heavy-lifting. I still don't have measurements, but that was the idea behind adopting an Iterator wrapping the IO::Socket used to return results.

Better Data Structures

A production release of this module will be able to feed a RPSL::Parser with RPSL objects extracted from the RIPE Database and return full-fledged objects containing a parsed version of the text (way more useful than a text blob, I believe). This is unimplemented at the moment, and will probably show up as an experimental addition soon.


new( %options )

Constructor. Returns a new Net::Whois::RIPE object with an open connection to the RIPE Database service of choice (defaulting to

The %options hash migth contain configuration options for the RIPE Database server. Not all options provided by the RIPE Database server are suitable for this implementation, but the idea is to provide everything someone can show a use for. The options currently recognized are:

hostname (IPv4 address or DNS name. Default is

The hostname or IP address of the service to connect to

port (integer, default is 43)

The TCP port of the service to connect to

timeout (integer, default is 5)

The time-out (in seconds) for the TCP connection.

keepalive (boolean, default is false)

Wherever we want (true) or not (false) to keep the connection to the server open. This option implements the functionality available through RIPE Database's "-k" parameter.

referral (boolean, default is false)

When true, prevents the server from using the referral mechanism for domain lookups, so that the RIPE Database server returns an object in the RIPE Database with the exact match with the lookup argument, rather than doing a referral lookup.

recursive (boolean, default is false)

When set to true, prevents recursion into queried objects for personal information. This prevents lots of unsolicited objects from showing up on queries.

grouping (boolean, default is false)

When true enables object grouping in server responses. There's little utility to enable this option, as the objects will be parsed and returned on a much reasonable format most of the time. For the brave or more knowledgeable people that want to have they answers in plain text, this can help stablishing a 'good' ordering for the RPSL objects returned by a query ('good' is RIPE NCC's definition of 'good' in this case).

unfiltered (boolean, default is false)

When true enables unfiltered object output responses. This produces objects that can be presented back to the RIPE Database for updating.

types (list of valid RIPE Database object types, default is empty, meaning all types)

Restrict the RPSL object types allowed in the response to those in the list. Using this option will cause the Net::Whois::RIPE object to query the RIPE Database for the available object types for validating the list. The response will be cached for speed and bandwidth.

disconnected (boolean, default is false)

Prevents the constructor from automatically opening a connection to the service specified (conneting the socket is the default behavior). When set (true), the programmer is responsible for calling connect in order to stablish a connection to the RIPE Database service desired.

hostname( [$hostname] )

Accessor to the hostname. Accepts an optional hostname, always return the current hostname.


Accessor to the port. Accepts an optional port, always return the current port.


Accessor to the timeout configuration option. Accepts an optional timeout, always return the current timeout.


Accessor to the keepalive configuration option. Accepts an optional keepalive, always return the current keepalive.


Accessor to the referral configuration option. Accepts an optional referral, always return the current referral.


Accessor to the recursive configuration option. Accepts an optional recursive, always return the current recursive.


Accessor to the grouping configuration option. Accepts an optional grouping, always return the current grouping.


Accessor to the unfiltered configuration option.


Initiates a connection with the current object's configuration.


Accessor to the IO::Select object coordinating the I/O to the IO::Socket object used by this module to communicate with the RIPE Database Server. You shouldn't use this object, but the "send()" and "query( $query_string )" methods instead.


Read-only accessor to the IO::Socket object used by this module.


Sends a message to the RIPE Database server instance to which we're connected to. Dies if it cannot write, or if there's no open connection to the server.

Return true if the message could be written to the socket, false otherwise.


Reconnects to the server in case we lost connection.


Disconnects this client from the server. This renders the client useless until you call "connect()" again. This method is called by "DESTROY()" as part of an object's clean-up process.


Returns true if this instance is connected to the RIPE Database service configured.


Net::Whois::RIPE object destructor. Called by the Perl interpreter upon destruction of an instance.

query( $query_string )

Sends a query to the server. Returns an Iterator object that will return one RPSL block at a time.


Return a list of known object types from the RIPE Database.

Due to some strange mis-behaviour in the protocol (or documentation?) the RIPE Database server won't allow a keep-alive token with this query, meaning the connection will be terminated after this query.


Luis Motta Campos, <lmc at>


No IPv6 Support

There's no support for IPv6 still on this module. I'm planning to add it in a future version.

Tests Depend On Connectivity

As this is the initial alpha release, there is still some work to do in terms of testing. One of the first things I must work on is to eliminate the dependency on connectivity to the RIPE Database.

Current Interface is not Backwards-Compatible

I plan to implement a drop-in replacement to the old interface soon, as an extension to this module. For now, this module just breaks compatibility with the old interface. Please read the full discussion about compatibility with older version of the NET::Whois::RIPE in the "BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY" section.


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-net-whois-ripe at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Net::Whois::RIPE

You can also look for information at:


Thanks to Paul Gampe and Kevin Backer for writing previous versions of this module;

Thanks to Paul Gampe for allowing me to handle me the maintenance of this module on CPAN;

Thanks to RIPE NCC for allowing me to work on this during some of my office hours.

Thanks to Carlos Fuentes for the nice patch with bugfixes for version 2.00_008.


Copyright 2010 Luis Motta Campos, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.