Mojo::DOM::Role::Restrict - Restrict tags and attributes


Version 0.03


use Mojo::DOM;

my $html = q|<html><head><script>...</script></head><body><p class="okay" id="allow" onclick="not-allow">Restrict <span class="not-okay">HTML</span></p></body></html>|;

my $spec = {
	script => 0, # remove all script tags
	'*' => { # apply to all tags
		'*' => 1, # allow all attributes by default
		'onclick' => 0 # disable onclick attributes
	span => {
		class => 0 # disable class attributes on span's

#<html><head></head><body><p class="okay" id="allow">Restrict <span>HTML</span></p></body></html>
print Mojo::DOM->with_roles('+Restrict')->new($html, $spec);


my $dom = Mojo::DOM->with_roles('+Restrict')->new;

my $html = q|<html><head><script>...</script></head><body><p class="okay" id="allow" onclick="not-allow">Restrict <span class="not-okay">HTML</span></p></body></html>|;

my $spec = {
	script => 0, # no script tags
	'*' => { # allow all tags
		'*' => 1, # allow all attributes
		onclick => sub { 0 }, # disable onclick attributes
		id => sub { return @_ }, # enable id attributes
		class => sub { # allow only 1 class 'okay'
			my ($attr, $val) = @_;
			my $match = $val =~ m/^okay$/;
			return $match ? ($attr, $val) : 0;
	span => {
		validate_tag => sub { # replace span tags with b tags
			return ('b', $_[1]);
	p => {
		validate_tag => sub {
			$_[1]->{id} = "prefixed-" . $_[1]->{id}; # prefix all p tag IDs
			$_[1]->{'data-unknown'} = 'abc';  # extend all p tags with a data-unknown attribute
			return @_;

$dom->parse($html, $spec);

# <html><head></head><body><p class="okay" data-unknown="abc" id="prefixed-allow">Restrict <b>HTML</b></p></body></html>

# you can change the spec and then re-render
$spec = {
	'*' => { # allow all tags
		'*' => '^not', # where any attr value matches the regex


# <html><head><script>...</script></head><body><p onclick="not-allow">Restrict <span class="not-okay">HTML</span></p></body></html>

# check whether the spec is valid
$dom->valid; # 0

# apply spec changess to the Mojo::DOM object

# re-check whether the spec is valid
$dom->valid; # 1

# render using original render function (Mojo::DOM::HTML::render)
# <html><head><script>...</script></head><body><p onclick="not-allow">Restrict <span class="not-okay">HTML</span></p></body></html>

$dom->parse(q|<p class="okay" data-unknown="abc" id="prefixed-allow" onclick="not-allow">Restrict <span class="not-okay">HTML</span></p>|);

# <p onclick="not-allow">Restrict <span class="not-okay">HTML</span></p>



Retrieve/Set the specification used to restrict the HTML.

my $spec = $self->restrict_spec;



Validate the current DOM against the specification. Returns true(1) if valud returns false(0) if invalid.

my $html = q|<html><head><script>...</script></head><body><p class="okay" id="allow" onclick="not-allow">Restrict <span class="not-okay">HTML</span></p></body></html>|;

my $spec = {
	html => 1,
	head => 1,
	script => 1,
	body => 1,
	p => 1,
	span => 1

my $dom = Mojo::DOM->with_roles('+Restrict')->new($html, $spec); 

$dom->valid; # 1;

$spec = {
	html => 1,
	head => 1,
	script => 1,
	body => 1,
	p => 1,
	span => 0

$dom->valid($spec); # 0;


Restrict the current DOM against the specification, after calling restrict the specification changes applied become irreversible.

my $html = q|<html><head><script>...</script></head><body><p class="okay" id="allow" onclick="not-allow">Restrict <span class="not-okay">HTML</span></p></body></html>|;

my $spec = {
	script => 0, # no script tags
	'*' => { # allow all tags
		'*' => 1, # allow all attributes
		onclick => sub { 0 }, # disable onclick attributes
		id => sub { return @_ }, # enable id attributes
		class => sub { # allow only 1 class 'okay'
			my ($attr, $val) = @_;
			my $match = $val =~ m/^okay$/;
			return $match ? ($attr, $val) : 0;
	span => {
		validate_tag => sub { # replace span tags with b tags
			return ('b', $_[1]);
	p => {
		validate_tag => sub {
			$_[1]->{id} = "prefixed-" . $_[1]->{id}; # prefix all p tag IDs
			$_[1]->{'data-unknown'} = 'abc';  # extend all p tags with a data-unknown attribute
			return @_;

$dom->parse($html, $spec);

# render without spec validation
# <html><head><script>...</script></head><body><p class="okay" id="allow" onclick="not-allow">Restrict <span class="not-okay">HTML</span></p></body></html>

# restrict the DOM

# render without spec validation
# <html><head></head><body><p class="okay" data-unknown="abc" id="prefixed-allow">Restrict <b>HTML</b></p></body></html>


LNATION, <email at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-mojo-dom-role-restrict at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Mojo::DOM::Role::Restrict

You can also look for information at:



This software is Copyright (c) 2021 by LNATION.

This is free software, licensed under:

The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 178:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '# apply'. Assuming UTF-8