Struct::Conditional - A Conditional language within a perl struct.
Version 0.03
Quick summary of what the module does.
use Struct::Conditional;
my $c = Struct::Conditional->new();
my $struct = {
for => {
key => "countries",
each => "countries",
if => {
m => "Thailand",
key => "country",
then => {
"rank": 1
elsif => {
m => "Indonesia",
key => "country",
then => {
rank => 2
else => {
then => {
rank => null
country => "{country}"
$struct = $c->compile($struct, {
countries => [
{ country => "Thailand" },
{ country => "Indonesia" },
{ country => "Japan" },
{ country => "Cambodia" },
}, 1);
countries => [
rank => 1,
country => "Thailand"
rank => 2,
country => 'Indonesia'
rank => undef
country => 'Japan',
rank => undef,
country => 'Cambodia'
Instantiate a new Struct::Conditional object. Currently this expects no arguments.
my $c = Struct::Conditional->new;
Compile a struct containing valid Struct::Conditional markup into a perl struct based upon the passed params.
$c->compile($struct, $params);
Itterate a perl struct that contains valid Struct::Conditional markup and return a perl struct based upon the passed params.
$c->itterate($perl_struct, $params);
Markup or Markdown
if, elsif, else
If, elsif and else conditionals are logical blocks used within Struct::Conditional. They are comprised of a minimum of four parts, the keyword, the expression, 'key' and 'then'. The expression can be any that are defined in the expression section of this document. The 'key' is the value in the params that will be evaluated and the 'then' is the response that is returned if the expression is true.
my $struct = {
if => {
m => "Thailand",
key => "country",
then => {
rank => 1
elsif => {
m => "Indonesia",
key => "country",
then => {
rank => 2
else => {
then => {
rank => null
country => "{country}"
$struct = $c->compile($struct, {
country => "Thailand"
}, 1);
country => "Thailand",
rank => 1
You can also write this like the following:
my $struct = {
if => {
m => "Thailand",
key => "country",
then => {
rank => 1
elsif => {
m => "Indonesia",
key => "country",
then => {
rank => 2
else => {
then => {
rank => null
country => "{country}"
$struct = $c->compile($struct, {
country => "Indonesia"
}, 1);
country => "Indonesia",
rank => 2
Given conditionals are logical blocks used within Struct::Conditional. They are comprised of a minimum of three parts, the keyword, 'when' and'key'. The 'when' can either be an array or a hash of expression that are defined in the expression section of this document. The 'key' is the value in the params that will be evaluated. You can optionally provide a default which will be used when no 'when' expressions are matched.
my $struct = {
given => {
key => "country",
default => {
rank => null
when => [
m => "Thailand",
then => {
rank => 1
m => "Indonesia",
then => {
rank => 2
country => "{country}"
my $compiled = $c->compile($struct, {
country => "Thailand"
}, 1);
country => "Thailand"
rank => 1
You can also write this like the following:
my $struct = {
given => {
key => "country",
when => {
Thailand => {
rank => 1
Indonesia => {
rank => 2
default => {
rank => null
country => "{country}"
my $compiled = $c->compile($struct, {
country => "Indonesia"
}, 1);
country => "Indonesia"
rank => 1
The 'or' keyword allows you to chain expression checks, where only one expression has to match.
my $struct = {
if => {
m => "Thailand",
key => "country",
then => {
rank => 1,
country => "{country}"
or => {
key => "country",
m => "Maldives",
or => {
key => "country",
m => "Greece"
my $compiled = $c->compile($struct, {
country => "Greece"
}, 1);
country => "Greece"
rank => 1
The 'and' keyword allows you to chain expression checks, where only all expression has to match.
my $struct = {
if => {
m => "Thailand",
key => "country",
then => {
rank => 1,
country => "{country}"
and => {
key => "season",
m => "Summer",
my $compiled = $c->compile($struct, {
country => "Thailand",
season => "Summer"
}, 1);
country => "Thailand",
rank => 1
Does the params key value match the provided regex value.
key => $param_key,
m => $regex,
then => \%then
Does the params key value match the provided regex value case insensative.
key => $param_key,
im => $regex,
then => \%then
Does the params key value not match the provided regex value.
key => $param_key,
nm => $regex,
then => \%then
Does the params key value not match the provided regex value case insensative.
key => $param_key,
inm => $regex,
then => \%then
Does the params key value equal the provided value.
key => $param_key,
eq => $equals,
then => \%then
Does the params key value not equal the provided value.
key => $param_key,
ne => $equals,
then => \%then
Is the params key value greater than the provided value.
key => $param_key,
gt => $greater_than,
then => \%then
Is the params key value less than the provided value.
key => $param_key,
lt => $greater_than,
then => \%then
All parameters that are passed into compile can be used as placeholders within the struct. You can define a placeholder by enclosing a key in braces.
placeholder => "{param_key}"
Expects key to reference a array in the passed params. It will then itterate each item in the array and build an array based upon which conditions/expressions are met.
my $struct = {
for => {
key => "countries",
each => "countries",
country => "{country}"
$struct = $c->compile($struct, {
countries => [
{ country => "Thailand" },
{ country => "Indonesia" },
{ country => "Japan" },
{ country => "Cambodia" },
}, 1);
countries => [
country => "Thailand"
country => 'Indonesia'
country => 'Japan',
country => 'Cambodia'
Expects key to reference a hash in the passed params. It will then itterate keys in the hash and build an hash based upon which conditions/expressions are met.
my $struct = {
for => {
key => "countries",
keys => 1,
country => "{country}"
$struct = $c->compile($struct, {
countries => {
1 => { country => "Thailand" },
2 => { country => "Indonesia" },
3 => { country => "Japan" },
4 => { country => "Cambodia" },
}, 1);
1 => { country => "Thailand" },
2 => { country => "Indonesia" },
3 => { country => "Japan" },
4 => { country => "Cambodia" },
my $struct = {
for => {
key => "countries",
keys => "countries",
country => "{country}"
$struct = $c->compile($struct, {
countries => {
1 => { country => "Thailand" },
2 => { country => "Indonesia" },
3 => { country => "Japan" },
4 => { country => "Cambodia" },
}, 1);
countries => {
1 => { country => "Thailand" },
2 => { country => "Indonesia" },
3 => { country => "Japan" },
4 => { country => "Cambodia" },
LNATION, <email at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-struct-conditional at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Struct::Conditional
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This software is Copyright (c) 2020 by LNATION.
This is free software, licensed under:
The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)