use vars qw($serial);
use Carp;
# Dynamic menu. Supports a single menu for several
# objects. Each time an object becomes active
# CMenu automatically rebuilds menu so as it becomes appropriate
# for active object.
use Gtk 0.7006;
# Create new menu
# In: $topwindow - toplevel widget
sub new {
my ($type, $topwindow) = @_;
my $class = ref($type) || $type;
my $accel_group = new Gtk::AccelGroup;
my $menu_name = "<menu_$serial>";
my $item_factory = new Gtk::ItemFactory('Gtk::MenuBar',
$menu_name, $accel_group);
my $self = { 'FACTORY' => $item_factory,
'NAME' => $menu_name,
'ACCEL_GROUP' => $accel_group,
'CURR_ID' => '',
'WIDGET' => $item_factory->get_widget($menu_name),
'ITEMS' => {} };
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
# widget - return main menu widget
sub widget {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'WIDGET'};
# Add a menu item
# In: $id - ID of object, empty string if item is going to be a global one
# $path - name of item (as in GtkItemFactoryEntry)
# $hotkey - hotkey (as accelerator in GtkItemFactoryEntry)
# $callback - callback
# $cb_data - callback data
sub add_item {
my($self, $id, $path, $hotkey, $callback, $cb_data) = @_;
prepare_item($self, $id, $path, $hotkey, 'Item', $callback, $cb_data);
# Create menu item if it doesn't exist yet
# Return control structure for it
# In: $id - ID of object, empty string if item is going to be a global one
# $path - name of item (as in GtkItemFactoryEntry)
# $hotkey - hotkey (as accelerator in GtkItemFactoryEntry)
# $type - item type: Item/Branch/LastBranch
# $callback - callback
# $cb_data - callback data
sub prepare_item {
my($self, $id, $path, $hotkey, $type, $callback, $cb_data) = @_;
my $items = $self->{'ITEMS'};
my $curr_item;
if( not exists($items->{$path}) ) {
$curr_item = { 'TYPE' => $type };
$items->{$path} = $curr_item;
my $action = ($type eq 'Item') ? ++$self->{'LAST_ACTION'} : 0;
$curr_item->{'ACTION'} = $action;
if( $path =~ m#(^/.*)/[^/]*$# ) { # dirname
$self->prepare_item('', $1, undef, 'Branch', undef, undef);
$type = 'LastBranch' if $path =~ m#^/_?Help$#i;
$self->{'FACTORY'}->create_item([$path, $hotkey, $action, "<$type>"],
sub { $self->item_activated($curr_item, @_) } );
else {
$curr_item = $items->{$path};
if( $curr_item->{'TYPE'} ne $type ) {
carp "$self->{MENU_NAME}:$path already defined as a $type";
return undef;
if( $id and exists($curr_item->{$id}) ) {
carp "ID $id already defined in menu item $self->{MENU_NAME}:$path";
$curr_item->{$id} = [ $callback, $cb_data ];
return $items;
# Make unsensitive all menu items except ones having given ID
sub activate_id {
my ($self, $id) = @_;
my $item_factory = $self->{'FACTORY'};
my ($key, $items);
while( ($key, $item) = each %{$self->{'ITEMS'}} ) {
my $sflag = ($item->{'TYPE'} eq 'Item' and not exists $item->{$id})? 0: 1;
$self->mask_item($key, $sflag);
$self->{'CURR_ID'} = $id;
# make menu item sensitive/unsensitive
# In: $name - item name
# $flag - TRUE - sensitive, FALSE-unsensitive
sub mask_item {
my ($self, $name, $flag) = @_;
my $item_factory = $self->{'FACTORY'};
my $item = $self->{'ITEMS'}->{$name};
if( not defined($item) ) {
carp "No menu item $name";
return if exists $item->{''}; # do not mask field if it is global
my $widget = $item_factory->get_widget_by_action($item->{'ACTION'});
# Menu callback: item activated
sub item_activated {
my ($self, $item, $widget, $action) = @_;
$id = $self->{'CURR_ID'};
my $cb = $item->{$id};
if( defined($cb) ) {
elsif( $id ne '' ) {
# global item: quit, help, etc
$cb = $item->{''};
&{$cb->[0]}($cb->[1]) if defined($cb);
$serial = 1;