LWP::Curl - LWP methods implementation with Curl engine


Version 0.10


Use libcurl like LWP, $lwpcurl->get($url), $lwpcurl->timeout(15) don't care about Curl API and don't care about html encode

use LWP::Curl;

my $lwpcurl = LWP::Curl->new();
my $content = $lwpcurl->get('',''); 
# get the page passing with referer



Creates and returns a new LWP::Curl object, hereafter referred to as the "lwpcurl".

my $lwpcurl = LWP::Curl->new()
  • timeout => sec

    Set the timeout value in seconds. The default timeout value is 180 seconds, i.e. 3 minutes.

  • headers => [0|1]

    Show HTTP headers when return a content. The default is false '0'

  • user_agent => 'agent86'

    Set the user agent string. The default is 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)'

  • followlocation => [0|1]

    If the spider receive a HTTP 301 ( Redirect ) they will follow?. The default is 1.

  • auto_encode => [0|1]

    Turn on/off auto encode urls, for get/post.

  • maxredirs => number

    Set how deep the spider will follow when receive HTTP 301 ( Redirect ). The default is 3.

  • proxy => $proxyurl

    Set the proxy in the constructor, $proxyurl will be like:

    libcurl respects the environment variables http_proxy, ftp_proxy,
    all_proxy etc, if any of those are set. The $lwpcurl->proxy option does
    however override any possibly set environment variables. 



  Get content of $url, passando $referer se definido

    use LWP::Curl;
	my $referer = '';
	my $get_url = '';
    my $lwpcurl = LWP::Curl->new();
	my $content = $lwpcurl->get($get_url, $referer); 


  POST the $hash_form fields in $url, passing $referer if defined

    use LWP::Curl;

    my $lwpcurl = LWP::Curl->new();

	my $referer = '';
	my $post_url = '';

	my $hash_form = { 
		'field1' => 'value1',
		'field2' => 'value2',

	my $content = $lwpcurl->post($post_url, $hash_form, $referer); 


Set timeout, default 180


Turn on/off auto_encode


Sets the user agent string to the expanded version from a table of actual user strings. $alias can be one of the following:

  • Windows IE 6

  • Windows Mozilla

  • Mac Safari

  • Mac Mozilla

  • Linux Mozilla

  • Linux Konqueror

then it will be replaced with a more interesting one. For instance,

$lwpcurl->agent_alias( 'Windows IE 6' );

sets your User-Agent to

Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)


Set the proxy in the constructor, $proxyurl will be like:

libcurl respects the environment variables http_proxy, ftp_proxy, all_proxy etc, if any of those are set. The $lwpcurl->proxy option does however override any possibly set environment variables.

To disable proxy set $lwpcurl->proxy('');

$lwpcurl->proxy without argument, return the current proxy


This is a small list of features I'm plan to add. Feel free to contribute with your wishlist and comentaries!

  • Test for the upload method

  • Improve the Documentation and tests

  • Support Cookies

  • PASS in all tests of LWP

  • Make a patch to WWW::Mechanize, todo change engine, like "new(engine => 'LWP::Curl')"


Lindolfo Rodrigues de Oliveira Neto, <lorn at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-lwp-curl at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc LWP::Curl

You can also look for information at:


Thanks to Breno G. Oliveira for the great tips. Thanks for the LWP and WWW::Mechanize for the inspiration. Thanks for Neil Bowers for patches


Copyright 2009 Lindolfo Rodrigues de Oliveira Neto, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.