Su::Process - A module to generate and execute user process.
use Su::Process;
# Generate the Process file.
# Execute the Process and get it's result.
$ret = gen("pkg/SomeProc");
$ret = comp("pkg/SomeProc");
Su::Process has a method to generate the template of the Process module to describe user process. These Processes are called from the method Su::resolve. The user Processes are also called directry by the method Su::Process::gen. The method Su::Process::comp is an alias of the method Su::Process::gen for embed to the template like a component.
For suppress the load error because of the specified module file is not found.
$Su::Process::SUPPRESS_LOAD_ERROR = 1;
- new()
A Constructor.
- generate_process()
This function is just a synonym of the method generate_proc.
- generate_proc()
Generate the Process file to describe your own code in the method 'process'. This method can be used from the command line like the following.
perl -MSu::Process -e '{generate_proc("MainProc")}'
If the generation is success, then return 1, else die.
- comp()
This method is just a alias of gen metnod.
- gen()
my $ret = gen('process_id'); my $ret = gen('dir/process_id'); my $ret = gen('dir::process_id');
Return the result of the process which coressponds to the passed process id. The process id is a qualified module name. Note that the specified process is simply called it's
method and can't access to it's model field. - load_module()
my $su_proc = Su::Process->new; my $proc_module = $su_proc->load_module($module_name);