Luis M. Rodriguez-R < lmrodriguezr at gmail dot com >


This script is distributed under the terms of The Artistic License. See LICENSE.txt for details.


perl arguments

The arguments must be in the following order:

  1. The configuration file (a .bme file).

  2. Output base, a path to the prefix of the files to be created.

  3. Extend groups: Any non-empty string to extend the groups, or empty string to avoid extension.

  4. Summarize groups: Any non-empty string to produce additional summaries per group, or empty string to avoid summaries.

  5. The identifiers (names) of the input genomes in a single string separated by colons (:).

  6. All the following arguments will be treated as input files. Each file is assumed to contain a genome (that can contain one or more sequence) in [multi-]fasta format.

Run perl without arguments to see the help message.