App::Prove::Plugin::Distributed - an App::Prove plugin to distribute test jobs using client and server model.
Version 0.07
# All of the examples below is loading tests into the worker perl processes
# If you want to run the tests in a separate perl process, you can specify
# the '--detach' option to accomplish that.
# Default workers with L<IPC::Open3> as worker processes.
prove -PDistributed -j2 t/
# Distributed jobs with LSF workers.
prove -PDistributed --distributed-type=LSF -j2 t/
# Distributed jobs with SSH workers.
prove -PDistributed --distributed-type=SSH -j2 --hosts=host1,host2 t/
# If you are using home network that does not have name server setup,
# you can specify the option --use-local-public-ip
prove -PDistributed --distributed-type=SSH --use-local-public-ip -j2 --hosts=host1,host2 t/
# Distributed jobs with PBS workers using L<PBS::Client>. Note: This is not tested yet.
prove -PDistributed --distributed-type=PBS -j2 t/
# Distributed jobs with PBS workers using L<PBS::Client>. Note: This is not tested yet.
# With PBS option
prove -PDistributed --distributed-type=PBS --mem=200 -j2 t/
A plugin for App::Prove to distribute job. The core implementation of the plugin is to provide a easy interface and functionality to extend the use of any distribution method.
The initiate release of this module was using the idea from FCGI::Daemon that load perl code file using "do" perl function to the worker perl process to execute tests.
Currently, the distribution comes with a few implementation of distribution methods to initiate external "worker" processes. Shown below is the list.
L<PBS::Client> * Note: PBS implemetation is not tested yet.
Basic functions.
Load the plugin configuration. It will setup all of the tests to be distributed through the TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Worker source handler class.
Return a list of paths in @INC that are not part of the compiled-in lsit of paths
Start a server to serve the test.
Parameter is the contoller peer address.
Trigger END blocks before the child process exit. The main reason is to have the Test::Builder to have change to finish up.
Plugin Command Line Options
Option only for the worker process to indicate the control process that started the worder. The format is hostname
Example, --manager=myhostname:1234
Specify the distribution method. Currently, the valid values are shown below.
Start up script to load to the worker process before running test. It is only without the --detach option.
Currently, the tear-down option will not be run.
Capture any error from the worker. The input is the file path that the worker can write to.
Detach the executing of test from the worker process. Currently, the test job will be executed with exec
perl function.
Worker Specific Options
Each worker can have its specific options. Please refer to the particular source handler worker module for detail.
Currently, the only known bug is when running in the worker perl process without using detach
option with the empty string regular expression match. Shown below is the example code that will generate the bug. For more information please check out the test t/sample-tests/empty_string_problem.
ok('good=bad' =~ m/^.*?=.*/, 'test');
ok('test' =~ m//, 'this will failed before the previous regex match with a "?=" regex match. I have no way to reset back the previous regex change the regex engine unless I put it in its scope.');
If the plugin is used with a shared DBI handle and without the detach
option, the database handle will be closed by the child process when the child process exits.
Shown below is an example,
prove -PDistributed -j2 t/
Shown below is the codes.
package InitShareDBI;
use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;
unless($InitShareDBI::dbh) {
$InitShareDBI::dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:mysql:test;mysql_socket=/tmp/mysql.sock', 'user', 'password', {PrintError => 1});
sub dbh {
return $InitShareDBI::dbh;
To get around the problem of database handle close. Shown below is one of the solution.
$InitShareDBI::dbh->{InactiveDestroy} = 1;
no warnings 'redefine';
*DBI::db::DESTROY = sub {
# NO OP.
The complete codes for the file below.
package InitShareDBI;
use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;
#LSF: This has to be loaded when loading this module.
unless ($InitShareDBI::dbh) {
$InitShareDBI::dbh =
DBI->connect( 'dbi:mysql:database=test;host=;port=3306',
'test', 'test', { PrintError => 1 } );
#LSF: This will prevent it to be destroy.
#$InitShareDBI::dbh->{InactiveDestroy} = 1;
no warnings 'redefine';
*DBI::db::DESTROY = sub {
# NO OP.
sub dbh {
return $InitShareDBI::dbh;
Please refer to "DBI, fork, and clone" <
> for more information on this.
Shin Leong <>
Many thanks to Anthony Brummett who has contributed ideas, code, and helped out on the module since it's initial release. See the github <
> for details.
Copyright (c) 2012 Shin Leong <>
. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.12.4 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available. See perlartistic.